By Mark McGrew
January 29 through the 31st, 5% of the sheriffs in America are in Las Vegas Nevada, learning how to tell the Federal government agents to pack sand and get out of town. 20% of the 50 United States of America have been presented with lawsuits and or legal filings challenging the eligibility of Barack Obama to be on the ballot for the 2012 election.
Congressional representative Allen West summed up the American people's feelings for the Obama administration today when he told Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to, "Get the hell out of The United States of America!".
Ten people will be murdered today in Mexico with guns provided to drug cartels by Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General. Politicians are calling for him to resign. Resign??
There is enough evidence presented to Congress to arrest him and prosecute him for an Act of War against the nation of Mexico, accessory to murder of thousands of innocent citizens in Mexico and America as well as the murder of United States Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Resign?? Besides sending illegal guns to Mexico, Holder and his associates sold guns to criminal street gangs inside the United States where the guns will be used inside the United States. It will take years to find the thousands of guns these criminals sold to killers.
Eric Holder and his criminal operatives in his office and the Department of Justice need to be dragged out in handcuffs, jailed with no bail and put on trial with a jury of American citizens who are not federal government employees.
Like a dead chicken being plucked, Obama has lost his power and his support. Six months or so ago, French President Sarkozy called Obama, "Insane". Other world leaders have publicly called him incompetent and other derogatory names.
Since then, major news in America has been slowly, quietly, as if testing the waters, pointing out Obama's faults and crimes. Little by little they are feeding America, and the World, the truth about the man they fought so hard to cover up for these past four years. Feather by feather, the chicken known as Obama, is being plucked. The most hated psychopath on Earth and his administration are going to be thoroughly plucked, gutted, tossed in an oven, cooked and devoured. And like any dead carcass with no use, Obama and his faithful supporters will be thrown onto a garbage heap until they rot to nothing.
The thing known as Obama is committing one large theft after another of the American people's money, work and trust. He is the most disgusting example of human life we have ever witnessed.
Like all stupid people, he thinks everyone else is stupider than he is. There is, however, one thing he has done well. Every facet of American life and business has gone down considerably, except for foreclosures, unemployment, bankruptcies and business closures.
The mistake he made was to think that We the People, would just sit back and take his arrogant insulting crap.
Pamela Barnett was a plaintiff in a case brought by Orly Taiz demanding proof that Obama was eligible to be President. That court arrogantly and illegally refused to hear their complaint. Pamela Barnett's character reflects that of most Americans: When you treat her like a dog, she'll jump up and bite you. So she formed an organization to teach and help people how to have Obama taken off of all 50 State ballots. And it is working very well.
And it is working. Obama has been denied to be on the primary ballot in Alabama until he proves he is eligible. Georgia has a ruling pending in 3 weeks to keep Obama off the ballot until he can prove he is eligible.
The amazingly tenacious, Carl Swensson, fighting to get Obama out of the office of the President, by knocking on every official's door he could find for four years, finally found two government employees who were not traitors and took their Oath of Office seriously: The Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp and Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi of the Georgia Office of Administrative Hearings.
And quit being a jerk. Send him 5 or 10 bucks for his legal bills. His wife wants him home to spend more time with the cat. Carl Swensson credits his wife for his stamina in being able to run his business and being able to expend the energy and the capital in fighting the treasonous federal elected employees.
Only a Natural Born Citizen can be President. There are at least three US Supreme Court cases defining Natural Born Citizen. The Us Constitution refers to "The Law of Nations", which defines Natural Born Citizen. There are dozens of letters of correspondence from the signers of the Declaration of Independence and creators of the US Constitution defining Natural Born Citizen. The United States Congress, in the past nine years has made eight unsuccessful attempts to change the wording of the US Constitution to say that foreign born or children of foreign born parents can be the President of the United States of America. These elected employees have repeatedly proven that they know damn well what a Natural Born Citizen is. The record is clearly established, through over 250 years of acknowledged definition that Natural Born Citizen is a person born on American soil, to PARENTS plural. For liberals and democrats and other traitors, that means that in order for a person to be our President, the stork has to deliver him inside America and both his mommy and daddy must be citizens of the United States of America.
So, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, California, Hawaii and Arizona have either lawsuits filed or ballot challenges filed to keep Obama off the ballot until he can prove he is eligible to run for election. Activities are going on in 26 other states, with the same goal in mind, to keep Obama off the ballot, unless he can prove he is eligible to run. This is further proof that it is the states that control the federal government and not the other way around. The federal government is a group of full time employees managing certain pertinent affairs concerning the states. These permanent employees are managed by part-time employees called politicians, which are periodically elected by the People. They are all expendable. It is these temporary employees who we accuse of committing treason and other High Crimes against the citizens of America as well as other Nations of the World..
In New Hampshire, Orly Taitz appeared before election officials asking them to take Obama off the ballot because he is not eligible. Their response was basically, "Well, we don't have to look at any evidence. We take the man for his word."
The crowd attending, We the People, erupted with shouts of "Traitors!....Treason!!". The sissy boy assistant attorney General got so scared he ran into another room, locked the door and called the State police to protect him. (The police are "investigating". Which, in New Hampshire, means "You get what you pay for.")
This is a good place to learn how people are fighting Obama across the USA.
In business, we realize that the Internet was invented to destroy your competition. And it works in politics too. As seen in Greece, Italy and across North Africa. Obama is such an IDIOT!
When his eligibility problem came up in 2008, because of a phony Birth Certificate he presented, he said, "Ah, people will forget about that in two weeks." Since then, millions of people have tried countless ways to get a case into court to compel Obama to prove he is eligible to hold the office of President.
Until Carl Swensson's case, not one of 40 or so lawsuits against Obama has been able to make it to court. Judges from coast to coast muttered the terminology of, "You don't have standing." Telling the American People that they do not have a right to question if someone is eligible under our constitution to hold the office of President. We believe these judges are guilty of Treason against the American People and should be arrested and put on trail for it.
I can not scream loud enough to express the absolute RAGE that the American People have against the criminal syndicates, known as the Federal Government and Republican and Democratic political parties.
Only because of the Internet have we been able to inform the World of the criminal activities of the Obama administration. Major news has been overwhelmingly vicious in their attempts to keep the Obama administration crimes secret. They have done everything they could to ridicule, insult, vilify and harass any person they invited on their shows to "discuss this issue". We the People, believe they also are complicit in committing Treason against the American People.
Because of their traitorous actions, they have lost huge numbers of TV viewers and newspaper readers. Newspapers across the country are going broke and they are too stupid to figure out why. Here's a clue: People are not stupid and they do not like being lied to and played for suckers.
We the People, with the Internet news sites we own, are bigger than major news. We have more investigators, more reporters, more audience and much more news produced every month. What we don't have, that major news does have, is the financial support from large corporations. Maybe because large corporations are profiting so well from a fascist government.
We the People, are bigger than the Federal government. We have more people and more guns. If the Federal government was not afraid of us, they would already have tanks in the streets and fighter jets and bombers in the air, as they did in Libya and countless other countries.
Most people in control of the armaments of the Federal government know that We the People do not want war with our government. We just want them to get their policies the hell out of the United States of America. We the People, would prefer they be put in prison for the rest of their twisted rotten lives. Myself, I would prefer to see the male traitors put in a 50 foot deep hole, the size of a football field, fill a horse trough with water once a week and send down a live cow once a month. Punishment for the female traitors, including Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, I would send them to a bordello in Bolivia, Mogadishu or some other hell hole.
We don't need no stinkin' commies, Marxists, fascists or socialists. And we sure as Hell, don't want some criminally insane imitation of a man making orders, thinking he can murder anyone, anywhere on Earth, or put American citizens in secret prisons, even if he does have a phony birth certificate.
Unless he can PROVE he is eligible to hold the office of President, which he can't under his own admissions, every law, treaty, agreement or promise he has made are null and void. An incredible amount of criminal charges, including fraud for every donation he took, up to Sedition (creating contempt for your government) to Treason as well as a myriad of criminal charges against every Congressman who supported him, the managers of the Republican National Party and the Democratic National party, every one of the 50 Secretaries of State who allowed him on the ballot, Hawaii Department of Health employees who lied about his Birth Certificate and the list goes on and on.
Americans are finally understanding why, in many countries in the World, when new people take power, they have a purge of the old system by getting rid of the old regime through murder or imprisonment. In America, we would need to purge a minimum of 600,000 people from our elementary, junior and high schools, universities, city, county, state and federal government, newscasters, news station owners, newspaper writers, newspaper owners and the list can be huge to get rid of the anti-American traitorous degenerates.
When Obama and his associates are removed from American society, as We the People want to, We are ready to and We will gladly, extend our friendship to the many nations in this home we call Earth.
Until then, to the many world leaders who did not bother to ask the one simple question: "Who is Barack Hussein Obama?" I have this to say: "Congratulations smart guy. How's it feel to be played for a sucker?" We saw you laughing your butts off, knowing Obama was going to strip us dry and give the money to your gangster banker friends. We don't see you in your elevated shoes with your botched plastic surgery face's wives, laughing too much now. We see your cities falling like dominoes to Islamic immigrants. We see your cities burning on the nightly news. We see your cities as residence of the most raped women on Earth. Family fortunes, intact for centuries, evaporated like a drop of water on a red hot skillet. Chaos, ruin, destruction. All because your pea brained minds were too drunk with power and you were mesmerized with an insatiable greed. You saw the biggest fraud in history standing right in front of you and were so stupid, you actually thought you were the bird and not the worm.
To the People of this world, who are suffering from the policies of Obama, I say to you all: "So do something about it. Go to any Internet site you know that is fighting the corrupt American government and donate some cash or offer to help in some way to spread their news. That is the least that any honest person can do."
And to the people who voted for Obama, because he was going to steal our money and our creations and fraudulently turn them over to you: "How's that Hope and Change working out for you?"
Mark S. McGrew
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