The saying goes, “He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.“ The world stands poised and waiting for what will be regarding Kosovo. Will we see another Munich, another Czechoslovakia, another Sudetenland, another appeasement to criminals, another murderous, bloody European war brought forth by despicable men selling a false sense of securing peace?
This time the name is not Neville Chamberlain, it is Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dimitrij Rupel, and Slovenian President, Danilo Tirk, among other EU and US officials playing the part of the appeasers.
Some of the appeasement nonsense coming from the EU goes as follows: “The European Union must be ready to guide Kosovo to independence after the UN Security Council failed to settle the future status of the breakaway Serb province. The EU and Kosovo have to agree what to do next," Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel told reporters.
Slovenia, which took over the European Union presidency for six months on Jan. 1, is pressing members to make good on a pledge to send an 1,800-member police and civil force to Kosovo this month. Slovenia is determined to have the force in place before Kosovo unilaterally declares independence. It seems they have forgotten that the Athassari plan was scrapped. Rupel also said that the European Union’s best hope out of a potentially explosive situation in Kosovo was to soften Serbia’s defiance by offering it closer ties to the European Union and the prospect of joining. However, Serbia rejects any agreements with the EU should they insist on recognizing Kosovo’s independence.
“If I have correctly gauged the mood in the EU, we need to be willing to accept the reality of what is happening in the western Balkans” said Rupel. Rupel said he assumes that Kosovo will be an independent state by the end of the Slovenian EU presidency in July 2008, and that by then Serbia would be able to start negotiations for its admission to the EU. Mr. Chamberlain, I mean Mr. Rupel, you have NO concept whatsoever of reality. The reality is that Serbia will not accept any association with the EU should it recognize independence for Kosovo. Furthermore, it seems that you ignore the reality of UN Resolution 1244 and the UN charter, which expressly addresses sovereignty of UN member states and the inviolability of frontiers.
Returning to Britain after the appeasement to Hitler in Munich, Neville Chamberlain made his famous "peace in our time" speech while waving the Munich Agreement. This agreement gave Czech territory to Germany, just as the empire advocates giving away Serbian territory to its criminal Albanian clients. Compare the EU pronouncements to the words of Chamberlain in his infamous speech:
“Before I come to describe the Agreement which was signed at Munich in the small hours of Friday morning last, I would like to remind the House of two things which I think it very essential not to forget when those terms are being considered. The first is this: We did not go there to decide whether the predominantly German areas in the Sudetenland should be passed over to the German Reich. That had been decided already” (Yes, we know Mr. Bush and Mr. Rupel). “Czechoslovakia had accepted the Anglo-French proposals. What we had to consider was the method, the conditions and the time of the transfer of the territory.”
Just substitute a few words…such as the predominantly Albanian areas of Kosovo…passed over to the Albanian criminal mafia Islamic expansionist terrorist human trafficking drug lords. Indeed, Chamberlain’s being photographed with Hitler is quite analogous to Madeleine Albright or other representatives of the empire meeting with war criminal, “Snake Thaci,” the recently “elected” prime minister of the Albanian mafia regime in Kosovo.
After the Munich appeasement, Hitler took advantage of Czechoslovakia’s internal disputes. He encouraged Slovakia to declare independence, so that he could more easily seize the remaining Czech region (feeling any déjà vu yet?). As an inducement, in March 1939, Hitler promised Slovakia that if it declared independence, he would protect it – from Hungary and Poland.
It is also ironic that it was Germany who first encouraged and instigated the breakaway Yugoslav regions of Croatia and Slovenia into declaring independence (contrary to legal provisions set forth in the Yugoslav constitution) and then precipitously acted to recognize them, which was ultimately responsible for the bloody Balkan wars.
Winston Churchill later said of the appeasement, “The nation had to choose between shame and war. We have chosen shame. We shall get the war as well.” Likewise, Washington and the EU have chosen shame, appeasement and dishonesty as their Balkans policy. They will soon have war and troubles with more than the Balkans. They have chosen to abolish international law which is, in reality, another term for civilized behavior.
EU officials said the United States was pressuring the European Union to make certain that the recognition of Kosovo was not delayed by even a week. “The cake has been baked, because the Americans have promised Kosovo independence,” a senior European Union official said. “And if Washington recognizes Kosovo and European nations do not follow, it will be a disaster.”
They don’t know the meaning of the word “disaster,” but they will soon find out.
Will the appeasers also gratify the Wahhabis by forcing India to relinquish Kashmir, the Philippines to let go of Mindanao, Cyprus to abandon its Turkish populated north? And why would Kosovo separation be accepted and not the Republika Srpska? Also consider Northern Ireland, Corsica, the Basques, the Belgian linguistic conflict, the Scots in Western Europe, southern Sudan, Darfur, Algeria's Berbers, Biafra, southern Thailand, China's Uighur, the Maluku and Celebes islands in Indonesia, Sri Lanka's Tamils, Ahwaz Arabs in Iran, the Kurds of Turkey.
What about the Lakota Native Americans or the Hispanic Atzlan movement in the US? The Atzlan movement seeks to annex large portions of the southwest US to Mexico. "Republica del Norte," the Republic of the North, which would include the present US states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado, along with several current Mexican states, is "an inevitability" says Charles Truxillo, professor, University of New Mexico. He further states the new "Hispanic Homeland" should be brought into being "by ANY means necessary."
Washington has concocted two rounds of totally sham "negotiations," whose conclusions it has attempted to dictate from the outset, on behalf of its Albanian clients. The first round took place at Rambouillet, leading to the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia and occupation of Kosovo. The second round was declared “concluded,” leading to what certainly will be many more conflicts should further negotiations not take place.
What the empire is advocating for Albanians is an independent Kosovo, another second Albanian state in Europe. Two states, side by side, for nearly four million people - that is difficult if not impossible to explain to any rational, fair minded, thinking individual, not to mention the many groups who seek independence as well.
"It is deeply distressing that the international community, including the US, is advocating the carving away of a part of the territory of one country, and is supporting the proclamation of that part of territory as an independent state," former US secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger told Voice of America. "This is not something that the world would want to be established as a tradition. There are very good reasons for the opposition to the international efforts to separate Kosovo from Serbia," Eagleburger said.
It is obvious that due to the US/EU intransigent support for their client Albanian criminals, Albanians have no reason to compromise, they merely have to wait until an impasse is declared. Only Russia has genuinely encouraged and insisted upon negotiations that will conclude with an agreement acceptable to BOTH sides. Only Russia has given any voice to international law and fairness, firmly standing her ground against appeasement.
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