By Mark S. McGrew
Barrack Obama HAS NOT been elected President of the United States of America.
American voters DO NOT decide who will be President of the United States of America.
It is the Electoral College that elects the President. Since The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, a President has always been picked by Electoral votes, not the citizen’s votes. It is sheer ignorance to believe otherwise. explains easily enough that a Junior High School kid can understand, just how our system of picking a President has always worked, “The United States is the only current example of an indirectly elected executive president, with an electoral college comprising electors representing the 50 states and one federal district.”
“The Electoral College consists of the popularly elected representatives who formally select the President and Vice President of the United States; since 1964 the electoral college has had 538 electors. In 2008, it will make this selection on December 15.”
“Rather than directly voting for the President and Vice President, United States citizens cast votes for electors. Electors are technically free to vote for anyone eligible to be President.”
This has been the Supreme Law of our Country for over 200 years! Now, why don’t our politicians and major newscasters know that? Could it be that they do know it and just don’t want the citizens to know?
Historically, these electors have followed the will of the majority of American voters, but have on three occasion voted against the will of the voters and placed in the office of the President, a person who was not chosen by the citizens. Historically, there is a minimum 7% chance that the Electoral College will not approve Barack Obama. Allowing for what we do know about Obama and what has been hidden form the public, the odds may be higher that they will not approve Barack Obama as the 44th President of The United States. Across America, on election day, when less that 15% of the voters had been counted, America’s media was telling the world that Obama had won. Obama will has won nothing and will not win the Presidency until the Electoral College says so. And not a minute earlier, no matter what the media says, no matter what the citizens think.
There is aproximately five weeks, from the time the population cast their votes until the Electoral college chooses the President for us. The reason for the Electoral voters is that the founders of this nation did not want to trust the Nation’s destiny to a society inexperienced in the affairs of Nations. The reason there is a five week period from citizen’s votes to the Elector’s votes is to allow time to investigate any hanky panky or as in some cases plain fraud being used to convince the populace to vote for someone who has no Right to hold the office of President of The United States of America. The Electoral College is a barrier to prohibit the wrong people from stealing the people’s votes.
An example in modern times is the following list, taken from major media news regarding why Obama received more citizen votes than Senator McCain:
1. He raised approximately $600 million in donations, a portion of it illegally and from
foreign sources which is illegal.
2. His past and his goals were hidden by the media.
3. The media presented an image of him that is not true.
4. He made promises he can't keep to ignorant stupid people.
5. Law enforcement ignored his crimes.
6. A corrupt Federal judge and a corrupt Supreme court protected him
from having to prove his citizenship.
7. The media manufactured and promoted lies about his competitor.
8. His competitor did not confront him on his criminal violations.
9. A Federal judge barred Republican poll watchers, because they
are a “minority" party.
10. Obama sent 1,000 lawyers to Florida who did in fact file lawsuits against the Republicans
for trying to verify voter’s qualifications.
11. Voting machines were rigged from the start with a 144% turnout in one voting place.
12. Obama voters voted multiple times.
13. His friends at ACORN registered thousands of illegal or non-existent voters.
14. Overseas military ballots were mailed late, thereby prohibiting many from voting.
Obama has told people to, “Get in your neighbor’s face and argue”. Not ever having experience as community organizers, many of us really do not understand the concept or the methods of his style of debating. It may help greatly for us all to understand if Mr. Obama could give us a one on one training session. Meeting with past-governor Jesse Ventura, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Governor Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd Palin in an inner city back alley some late night, getting in their faces and arguing could give us valuable insight into how this works. Or maybe he could send some of his Black Panther friends to Afghanistan and get in some hard core Taliban faces and argue.
If the leaders of the World were to follow Barack Obama’s example, sessions in The United Nations would become a reality TV show, much more brutal than The Jerry Springer Show.
This mentality is contrary to the practices of 90% of Americans. I ask World leaders: Is this the kind of attitude that you want to deal with for the next 8 years or more?
Obama constantly chanted “Change”. And the American people do want change, in a big way. But is Obama’s Transitional Team choices any change at all from past politics? Decide for yourself: gives us this list of Obama’s idea of “Change” in what they say is the Full list of
Transition Economic Advisory Board members:
David Bonior (Member House of Representatives 1977-2003)
Warren Buffett (Chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway)
Roel Campos (former SEC Commissioner)
William Daley (Chairman of the Midwest, JP Morgan Chase; Former Secretary, U.S. Dept of Commerce, 1997-2000)
William Donaldson (Former Chairman of the SEC 2003-2005)
Roger Ferguson (President and CEO, TIAA-CREF and former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)
Jennifer Granholm (Governor, State of Michigan)
Anne Mulcahy (Chairman and CEO, Xerox)
Richard Parsons (Chairman of the Board, Time Warner)
Penny Pritzker (CEO, Classic Residence by Hyatt)
Robert Reich (University of California, Berkeley; Former Secretary, U.S. Dept of Labor, 1993-1997)
Robert Rubin (Chairman and Director of the Executive Committee, Citigroup; Former Secretary, U.S. Dept of Treasury, 1995-1999)
Eric Schmidt (Chairman and CEO, Google)
Lawrence Summers (Harvard University; Managing Director, D.E. Shaw; Former Secretary, U.S. Dept of Treasury, 1999-2001)
Laura Tyson (Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley; Former Chairman, National Economic Council, 1995-1996; Former Chairman, President’s Council of Economic Advisors, 1993-1995)
Antonio Villaraigosa (Mayor, City of Los Angeles)
Paul Volcker (Former Chairman, US Federal Reserve 1979-1987)
The only thing these people will change is their underwear. Maybe.
I ask World leaders: Are these the people that you want to continue doing business with?
In Obama’s selections, I see no change. But, does the world want or need this kind of “Change”? I do know, that many Americans do not want or need Obama’s idea of “Change” once they learn what it means.
On December 15, 2008 a new President of The United States of America will be given authority to either improve the World or destroy it. He will either improve life for Americans or he will destroy them. There is no half way. There are only these two choices. I have read many well known, supposed experts, say to the effect, “I support Obama 100% on all the issues. I can’t wait to find out what he wants to do.” What kind of drugs are these people on?? What kind of a person “supports” something he knows nothing about? America is under a siege of mass insanity or mass hypnosis.
I do not suggest that Senator McCain would be any better or worse in this future for the Earth and its people. But I do strongly suggest that American voters educate themselves. And I do strongly suggest that the American people demand that their current government force the major news outlets to stop lying and to stop hiding the truth. is an excellent source of newspapers from around the World. And since the US news won’t tell the truth, Russia’s Pravda is a good source for accurate news regarding the United States.
The only choice American’s have now for a fair outcome of their vote is to contact the Secretary of State in their respective States and get a list of the Electoral College electors for their State.
Then some of the 120,000,000 voters can contact those 538 electors and tell them who you want them to vote for.
Mark S. McGrew
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