By Xavier Lerma
The last nail on America's coffin has been hammered while Obama and his comrades smirk over its grave. Meanwhile the majority of Amerikans keep laughing as though they are intoxicated or drugged. All those comedy shows they watched patterned their brains to find a joke in everything. These perennial adolescents have nothing to fear. They will dance and sing with their proclaimed savior who may be punch drunk as journalist Steve Kroft asked in this video. They cannot see that hope and confidence in their master is unavailing. Did Obama reduce the debt by even one dollar? Russia's national debt is the lowest of all G20 countries. Did he go to Jerusalem to kneel and pray at the Holy Sepulcher as President Vladimir Putin did?
Action speaks louder than words. As Senator, Obama did pray at the Western Wall but I guess Christ's resurrection site was not on his agenda. I have not seen him there recently have you? I guess too many vacations for Obama. Perhaps he humbly went there in secret and I overlooked it. Maybe he wears a crucifix just like Putin. Maybe he crosses himself like Putin but is too shy to do it in public. Maybe Obama built Christian buildings like our Russian President.
Last June, Putin built a guesthouse for Christian pilgrims in Jordan. It is run by the Russian Orthodox Church near the site of Jesus Christ's baptism shown in this video. No, Obama would never do that because the atheistic Communists outlaw such things. Oh, I know the Communist reply, "Putin faked everything in Jerusalem and at the River Jordan. It's all show for the masses. Religion is opium of the people!" However, Communists do not know how to pray. God does not exist for them so their souls are empty. They are maniacally blind in the land of hope and change.
The true American Christian is not fooled by false prophets and can easily recognize prayer in a man's face. Their spirituality gives them wings to reach God. They can see Putin is real and Obama is anti-Christian. Obama's health care plan caused the Catholic Bishops to sue Obama after he forced abortions down their throats. Obama's Arab Spring opened the door for Christian persecutions in the Middle East. Obama's media portrays Assad as a devil, yet Assad protected the Christians. At least one priest was martyred as shown in this video. Thank Obama for his freedom. The priest was murdered by the US backed rebels and many Christians have been killed or have fled their homes all because the Amerikan Nero wants it.
I received an email to my question, "How long will America suffer and to what depths?"
Jon Hutto from Texas, USA, wrote:
"Until the depths reach every American and hope appears lost. Then as a people they will rise in a chorus filled with blood and anger. This will not happen until the generations that have known freedom are gone."
Unlike those similar to Mr. Hutto, most people in the US have been conditioned into thinking a certain way. Always seeking pleasures and avoiding pain. Some ignoring their children and even some letting them die. They actually have commercials in Amerika about how not to forget their baby in the back seat. Some of these parents grew up in day care centers while their parents worked. These modern Amerikans were a product of the women's movement that spurned Motherhood. I would advise one to read, "Ungodly Rage" as one example of feminism. Feminism is an unholy, evil rage. The word "sacrifice" no longer meant the husband and wife stayed together for the children but that the parent has to sacrifice their money to get a baby sitter so the parent can go out for a good time. The sexual revolution multiplied abortions and single parents exponentially in the West.
These children were left unloved, misguided and with the TV and video games as parents. Unable to choose the best public schools in Amerika, some parents were left with no choice except the choice of abortion. Perhaps home schooling is the best, but for the most part Amerika's children were lost in Communist controlled schools and cyber space. The winds of change blew them to a controlled environment that was barren as any desert resulting in misery or suicides. Laughter is the best medicine they say in the West. So they laugh with the party in the White House like Nero laughed when Rome burned in his persecution of the Christians.
Last century in a gulag, a prisoner lamented the fact that few in the beginning were willing to fight off these insane men who caused so much turmoil in Russia. He wondered what his ancestors would say. How ashamed they would be of him and others who ignored the Russian Patriarch's request to defend the Church and country. He had time to think now. He remembered how he was taught about the tortures and sufferings of the first Christian martyrs. They gave witness to Christ and welcomed torture and death rather than to worship Roman Gods and succumb to tyranny. It was easier to laugh and go along with everyone else he remembered. There were others who went to prison but not him. This would never happen to him he thought. Now he suffers in the gulag as he looks to the horizon hearing the echoes of laughter with family and friends.
Later, his letters were sent home to his Mother. She tried to visit him but was told of his death. During the "thaw" of the Soviet Union under Khrushchev she was given some money in compensation for her son's misfortune as another letter she received proclaimed his innocence. She threw the money in the air, screamed and wailed in the Soviet office. Everyone around her could feel her torment from the depths of her agonizing soul. Her cries resonated into the bones of each person and no one could comfort her but only share in her grief. No money could replace her son. She flung her arms wildly in the air from side to side releasing her pain that would never end.
Trotsky, Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution that shook Russia and the world in late 1917 gave birth to the Communist system of government which was the ugly flower of Marxism. They also promised freedom and equality like Obama. In Soviet Russia only death and misery were the fruits of their tree for almost 75 years. A Russian Civil War (1917-1921) split Russia dividing it into the Reds, who supported Bolshevism and the Whites who hated it and the evil it is. Amerika is also divided. Death labor camps called Gulags were later created in Russia. Amerika has big brother watching and listening to their citizens who routinely go to work. While Amerika partied last New Year's eve, Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act allowing him to arrest anyone without a trial indefinitely.
Will the Communists and their followers in Amerika ever stop laughing? One joke after another; watching one show after another as Rome burns; going to the next movie as they turn the other way giving Obama a free pass. They are living in the early 20th century. The epicureans of the West will die away in spiritual poverty but generations later their children will learn the truth about how America really began and their faith will grow. Christianity will grow back and renew itself like nature after a raging fire. One thing is for sure. It will not happen anytime soon. Today, half of Amerika laughs insanely while the other half laments over America. In the meantime, the evil that spread from Russia in 1917 to the West will be destroyed by Russia's renewed faith that will heal the world.
That is the "Good News" in the world seen as bad news by Amerikans. Today, the Communists who control the West fear Russia as though doomsday was tomorrow. It's not a nuclear threat but rather a spiritual renewal that threatens them. Their media tries to scare Americans with ideas of Putin as the evil KGB out to destroy the world. They "reason" KGB is bad. Putin is KGB. Therefore, Putin is bad. Amerika hides Russia's Christianity because it's not America but their Communist world that is in danger of being destroyed. Russia's destiny is to defend and renew Christianity, which has been allowed to grow under Putin.
Xavier Lerma
Contact Xavier Lerma at
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