India has all chances to become one of world's leading superpowers

India made traditional relations with Iran and Russia stronger, and also revived its friendship with Afghanistan

The Central Asia region has been one of the most heated world centers of tension and instability within the past years. At that, South Asia countries were inevitably involved into the disputes and armed conflicts in the region. And South Asia in its turn is the region where the interests of Islamabad and Delhi have been in steady confrontation over the past fifty years. Some experts surprisingly state that the situation has recently started changing for the better. There is less confrontation between the sides and instead they establish more cooperation. It is highly likely explained with India's foreign policy that has become stronger and makes the country an important figure among the Asian continent countries.

Recent events demonstrate that India has made the traditional relations with Iran and Russia even stronger, and also revived its friendship with Afghanistan; it maintains an active dialogue with Pakistan and the US.

During his recent visit to Delhi, Secretary of Iran's Supreme Security Council Ali Larijani confirmed the strategic partnership between India and Iran. He stated that despite the pressure exerted upon Teheran from the West because of Delhi's nuclear program Iran still supported the Islamic republic.

India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh negotiated wider partnership with Afghanistan during his visit to the country. Now, Kabul seeks reviving the cooperation with Delhi that was stopped because of India's pro-Soviet position of non-interference into Afghanistan affairs. Within the past decades, India had no influence in Afghanistan. Today, India is rated sixth regarding the size of the aid to Afghanistan.

The success of India's foreign policy depends upon its economics that has become stronger and is speedily developing. Experts state that lobbyist of large American concerns in Washington do their best to help develop partnership between India and the US. Indian markets are now an important part of the world economics, and American companies seek stronger positions on the Indian market. For this purpose, both countries need to intensify their partnership.

Pakistan no longer wants to be in conflict with the giant neighbor when it sees that the US and India are getting closer partners. This week, Kashmir separatists accepted Delhi's proposal to start peace talks after the many years of their confrontation with the central government of India. These peace talks are to start next Monday.

The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline which is currently under construction symbolizes improving relations between India and Pakistan. A business project in the energetic sphere is the best stimulus to bring regional tension down. There is an even stronger factor that may help maintain closer relations between India, Iran and Pakistan: the three countries are known as the strongest opponents to the world situation in development and utilization of nuclear technologies today. 

It is clear that India has every reason today to seek steady membership in the UN Security Council. Even strong ideologists and diplomats in China, the country fighting with India for the domination in the Asia region over centuries, admit that India successfully performs the leader's role in the region.

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Author`s name Olga Savka