USA plans no sanctions but only nuclear strike against Iran

The meeting of UN Security Council members on Iran is scheduled to take place tomorrow in Paris. The members will consider the concept of the resolution on the nuclear program of Iran prepared by the USA, Great Britain, France and Germany. The session will take place on the level of deputy foreign ministers of six countries, including Russia.

It will be the first session since the time when IAEA Director Mohamed El Baradei submitted his report to the Council. It became known that the draft resolution of the UN Security Council is based on paragraph 7 of the UN Charter, which allows to use military methods for solving conflicts. Sources said that such an approach to Iran’s problem does not enjoy universal approval. A Chinese official with the UN said last week that the above-mentioned paragraph of the Charter allows to set forth ultimatums, which did not suit the current situation.

The authors of the draft resolution, the three European states and the USA, have serious discrepancies regarding the document. A senior spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry of France said that Paris and Berlin would like to set up a tough restrictions for the resolution which would exclude the automatic use of military power.

Russian official Sergei Kislyak said that it was highly important to have the clear picture of Iran’s past activities. “Tehran, however, has made several decisions which were not meant to meet the requirements of the international community,” the Russian official said. Russia’s Foreign Affairs minister Sergei Lavrov stated earlier that it was extremely important not to violate the non-proliferation regime. On the other hand, the minister said that all members of the Non-Proliferation Treaty must respect the country’s right for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The chairman of the press service of the US State Department Sean McCormack said that the spokesmen for the constant “group of five” of the UN Security Council would discuss the text of the draft resolution which would force Iran meet the requirements of the international community. The US official added that the resolution based on paragraph 7 of the UN Charter would possess the power of the international right. McCormack added that the first resolution based on paragraph 7 of the Charter would not contain any sanctions against Iran.

Sean McCormack also said that several countries were considering a possibility of use punitive measures, such as arresting its assets or restricting the traveling abilities for Iranian officials. The process, the official said, was underway. According to McCormack it will be harder and harder for Iran to exist in the international community as long as the process develops.

In the meantime, Iran has filed a complaint to the UN pertaining USA’s threats to strike a military blow on the country. Iran’s UN envoy Javad Zarif sent a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, in which he tried to make the secretary pay attention to blatant and illegal threats from US top officials to use military power against Iran. The threats, the Iranian official wrote, violated international rights and principles of the UN Charter. The Iranian diplomat urged the UN’s head and the Security Council to take urgent measures to cease the aggressive policy of the US administration against Iran.

It has recently transpired that the Pentagon was working on war scenarios to strike a military blow on Iran if the country continues working on its nuclear program. The USA does not exclude an opportunity of using nuclear weapons against Iranian nuclear facilities. The US administration rejected the information. President Bush acknowledged, though, that the USA could use political, economic or other measures against Iran.


Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov