US and Russia conduct negotiations to dispatch Russian peacemakers to Iraq

Russia wants the WTO membership and its oil companies back to Iraq in return

Moscow and Washington conduct negotiation to dispatch up to 40,000 Russian military men to Iraq in return to economic concessions. The Bush's administration addressed to the Russian government with a proposal to dispatch Russian military men to Iraq or Afghanistan, the US analytical information agency Stratfor reported with reference to Russian sources. It reportedly goes about 40,000 military men, including three infantry divisions and an airborne brigade.

The agency's sources close to the Russian Security Council said, President Putin “theoretically agreed” to meet the White House's wishes. It was said Putin ordered the General Headquarters to develop the plan of the operation by the end of July. Supposedly, Russian military units will be deployed on the entire territory of the country.

However, Washington would prefer to concentrate Russian troops in the area of the so-called 'Sunnite triangle,' where anti-American sentiments are exercised most. Russian soldiers will have to restrain the Iraqi resistance to give Americans more liberties to solve strategic goals in the region.

Moscow counts for certain concessions in return. Putin ordered the Ministry for Industry and Energy to prepare the list of counterclaims. The list will particularly include Washington's agreement for Russian companies to return to Iraq. In addition, Moscow would like Washington to turn down objections against Russia's membership in the WTO.

Stratfor analysts believe such an important political support of Moscow in Iraq would impede the opposition of France, Germany and Russia to US-led policy in the Middle East. In addition, it would be beneficial to the US in terms of the establishment of the alliance between Russia, China and India to counteract the American supremacy. Furthermore, it would be the best pre-election present to George W. Bush in the field of foreign policy.

Russia's Federation Council did not receive an address about the use of Russian Armed Forces abroad, RIA Novosti was told Tuesday at the council's committee for security and defense. Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry official Alexander Yakovenko denied the information about negotiations between Moscow and Washington to dispatch Russian military men to Iraq in return to certain economic concessions. “This information is not true to fact. There are no plans to dispatch Russian military men to Iraq,” Yakovenko said in a statement.

Chairman of the committee for security and defense Viktor Ozerov told RIA Novosti, decisions about the use of Russian Armed Forces beyond Russia's territory is under the jurisdiction of the Federation Council. “The head of the state needs to address to the upper house of the parliament to consider this issue,” Ozerov said. If such an address is received, the senator said, the Council's committee for security and defense will consider it first. “The committee will prepare an adequate decree, which will then be submitted to a plenary session of the upper house,” Viktor Ozerov stated.

The majority of senators' votes (not less than 90) will be enough to approve the president's proposal to use Russian Armed Forces abroad. After the upper house approves the adequate decree, it will be sent to the president. On the base of the decree the president will issue an appropriate order.

PRAVDA.Ru asked experts to comment the information about the possible dispatch of Russian military men to Iraq.

Retired Colonel of USSR's KGB Nikolay Tatov:

”I think this information is not true. Our president is a smart person. He will not let such a political adventure happen. We are up to the neck in Chechnya – it may happen again in Iraq too. It is clear to everyone now.

Retired Colonel Viktor Imaledinov:

I do not think President Putin will take part in such doubtful events. We have an example of that in our history – the deployment of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Moreover, Russia will not obtain any privileges from the USA. Russia will become a scapegoat instead. American special services will burden us with all their trouble: terrorists, Shiites, blowing oil pipelines, etc.

Interior Affairs Ministry Alexander Nikishin:

If the Russian army enters Iraq, it will be the end. Russia will make all its former Mideast allies angry. They will start supporting terrorists in Chechnya. It will be a complete disaster for the Russian army.

Colonel Vladimir Galkin:

I do not think Putin will agree for that. The president understands, even if they write off Russia's debts or help it become a WTO member, it will not resurrect the people who will die there. About five or six thousand military men will be killed or taken hostages of. The Arab world will definitely start supporting Chechen terrorists after that.

Reference: Stratfor agency was established in 1996. The head office is based in Austin, Texas. The agency has a worldwide network. Stratfor provides secret strategic information on global issues about business, economy, security and geopolitics. Unlike the majority of news agencies, Stratfor collects secret information. Stratfor analysts meticulously analyze world news and forecast future events. Stratfor is the leading private-owned agency, which provides secret information to corporate, governmental clients and natural persons too.

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Author`s name Olga Savka