Assassination threat against Yanar Mohammed by Islamists in Iraq

In January 2004 an Islamic militia group called Jaish Alsahaba, "Army of Sahaba", sent an e-mail containing a death threat against Yanar Mohammed, who is the chairperson of Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq.
Again for the second time few days ago Yanar received another e-mail from this group. 

This time they are threatening to assassinate and blow up Yanar and other activists who work with her.

This militia group is one among many others that are supported and empowered ideologically by Iran and Saudi Arabia.  They are terrorizing women and threatening the women's rights activists of OWFI. These two threats were made as a result of Yanar and OWFI activities against Sharia Law, and our calling for secular law based upon full equality between women and men.

Despite these threats Yanar continues with her determinism and fight to achieve equality, and liberation for women in Iraq. In her letter to us recently she wrote:

"Please tell all the good friends that supported me that I'm doing well and that we just CANNOT quit our fight that easily. We are here to do more and more".

Recommended actions:

We need to protect a women's rights activist like Yanar, whose work and ideals are very much needed in Iraq. You can make a huge difference by joining our Committee to Defend Yanar, together with all the activists of OWFI who are now at risk of being assassinated or blown up.

*You can sign our petition on line at:

Or send letters of protest to Paul Bremer, head of CPA in Iraq:

Paul Bremer Chief US Administrator
U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520 
* or Choose 'Foreign Policy Opinions' via online form at

*To donate to Yanar's Defence Campaign, send a check to or deposit money earmarked Yanar Mohammed's Defence in:

Middle East Centre for Women's Rights
BARCLAY BANK, Sort Code: 20-80-57
Account No: 80 98 15 67 London-UK

*You can also send your support letters directly to Yanar Mohammed in Baghdad through e-mail: [email protected] or Tel: 7170953

Houzan Mahmoud   Committee to Defend Yanar Mohammed
Tel: 0044 79 56 88 3001,
E-mail: [email protected],

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova