The imperishable body of Buddhist lama mesmerizes medics

Sensational results of a thorough examination of the imperishable body of a Buddhist lama were made public the other day in Moscow, Russia.

“Samples taken 75 years after the burial indicated that the organics of this man's sin, hair and nails is no different from that of a living person,” stated professor Galina Ershova at a press-conference in “Interfax” central office.

The matter concerns the body of a famous religious leader by the name of Dasha-Dorjo Itigelov, who used to be the head of Russian Buddhists from 1911 to 1927.

Not long ago before his, he bequeathed to retrieve his body from the grave after approximately 30 years. Since that time, exhumation was conducted twice: in 1955 and in 1973. Both times it turned out that the body of the Khambo-lama hadn’t been exposed to decay. Nothing changed the third time the lama's body was unearthed (in 2002). Afterwards, it was decided by medics to conduct thorough analysis of D. Itigelov's body.

“His joints bend easily, soft tissues can be forced effortlessly, just like with a living human being; after the coffin cover has been removed, we could all sense sweet smell coming out from the inside,” said G. Ershova.

According to her, “this totally contradicts the notion regarding what should happen with a person after being buried for 75 years.”

G. Ershova has also mentioned that this is the first case of its kind not only in the history of Buddhism but in the entire history of the humankind.

The lama's body has been the object of Buryat Buddhists for two years now. It is situated in Ivolginsk datsan (spiritual center for Russian Buddhists located in the capital of Burytia Ulan-Ude).

A fragment of the interview with the current head of Buddhist traditional sangha in Russia Khamba-lama Damba Ayusheev has been also demonstrated at the press-conference. In it, the lama noted that the phenomenon had “encouraged faithful Buddhists and helped those in doubt to leave aside all their uncertainties…” 

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov