War in Iraq caused major earthquake in Bam

According to a recent statement made by the Scientific and Research Institute of Applied Esotericism, Iraq's invasion by the US caused major disturbances of Earth's energy.

Director of the Institute S. Shvedov has stated the following in his interview with “Echo of Moscow.” “It is possible to claim with absolute certainty that an overlap of 'Western understanding of democracy' and 'Eastern understanding of order' has led to a major allergic reaction of Earth.”

“Studies conducted by the Institute of applied esotericism affirm that Earth is a living and breathing creature with numerous energy channels,” states one of the Institute's representatives.

“Usually, strong negative logo-emotional currents anywhere on Earth tend to cause Earth's negative responses. Most often, it results in various devastating cataclysms,” state researchers.

Scientists provide the most recent and vivid example of war in Iraq. The country is considered to be the cradle of earth’s civilization. That is why the territory appears to be crowded with problems. It is also difficult to make any sort of predictions regarding the outcome of the conflict.

“Such monolithic logo-emotional stress of the entire population of Iraq resulted in a powerful energy impulse, which was later discharged in Iran (Bam) thus causing a major earthquake, inform researchers. “Deaths and sorrows of so many people formed another massive energy impulse, which probably caused most recent earthquake in Indonesia in a form of another logo-emotional impulse.”

Researchers assume that such chain of dreadful events can continue. However, the situation can be improved by liquidating the troublemaking factor. Thus, USA needs to leave Iraq as soon as possible. Even then, our planet will need some time to recover and stabilize its energy level.
The Institute's directors and general managers along with foreign scientists addressed the US with a proposition to support their research.


Source: NewsRu

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov