Russia’s economic loss

There's been all this talk lately about Russia loosing $2 billion annually because we are not in the World Trade Organization.  So for you sitting there as a Russian, you lost out on 404 roubles a year.  Do you care?  If you care, then
read this.  Russia produces  9.12 million barrels of oil per day.  That's 3.3288 billion barrels a year.  A barrel of oil goes for $39..46 (US light crude), and our oil goes for $37.05  (Brent
crude) per barrel.  So we produce $123.33204 billion
worth of oil annually, and we export that oil. 

A barrel of oil is equal to 42 gallons.  A gallon of gasoline, on the other hand goes for $2.13 in Sacramento where I live.  So that's $89.46 a barrel for gasoline.  So we can process $297.79444 billion worth of gasoline annually, and export it instead.  I know transportation, and processing add up costs, and this does not really add profit to Russian companies.  That's true, but neither are Russian companies incurring losses from it, and this would really add jobs to Russia.  Russian women and men will get paid into their pocket for processing oil, and transporting it.  And frankly we don't need the World Trade Organization to export gasoline instead of oil, because where else are they going to get it from?

If you got all hot and bothered about that 404 roubles, contact your local representative, Duma, President, newspapers, tell your milkman about the 35,265 ROUBLES THAT YOU, AND HE DIDN'T GET THIS YEAR!

D Slavovich Ratz
Russian Investor
Sacramento, California, USA

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova