Citizens of Poland have 11 national holidays a year
Citizens of Poland have 11 national holidays a year
France - 11 national holidays
France - 11 national holidays
Bolivia - 12 national holidays
Bolivia - 12 national holidays
Austria has 25 official national holidays, but only 13 of them are days off
Austria has 25 official national holidays, but only 13 of them are days off
Spain: 14 national holidays
Spain: 14 national holidays
Russia - 13 national holidays. Taking into consideration all weeneds plus annual cavation of 28 calendar days, the Russians have two months a year off
Russia - 13 national holidays. Taking into consideration all weeneds plus annual cavation of 28 calendar days, the Russians have two months a year off
Sweden - 11 national holidays, but people can work during these days to receive double in payment
Sweden - 11 national holidays, but people can work during these days to receive double in payment
Malta - 14 national holidays
Malta - 14 national holidays