Ukraine Boeing crash: Versions and reconstructions

On May 3rd, the BBC unveiled another documentary about the crash of Malaysia Airlines Boeing over Ukraine. The documentary says that it could be a Ukrainian fighter jet that shot the passenger plane down. Journalists polled nearly 100 people. Seven of them said that they had seen a fighter jet that could down the plane. The documentary also refers to the investigation conducted by Bellingcat expert group. The latter tries to prove the implication of Donbass militia into the crash of Flight MH-17

According to Bellingcat, the territory, from which the missile was launched, could not be under the control of the Ukrainian military at the time when the tragedy occurred. 

Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines crashed on July 17 2014 over the Donetsk region, killing 298 people. Kiev accused Donbass militia of the crash, but the latter said that they did not have the necessary weapons to reach a passenger aircraft at such altitudes

"Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17?" documentary was premiered on May 3rd.  One of the versions in the documentary says that it could be an air-to-air missile launched by a Ukrainian fighter jet that destroyed the airplane

The Kremlin doubts the credibility of the Bellingcat report. Putin's offical spokesman Peskov urged to rely on the official data provided by Russian experts

According to Peskov, the report is speculative in nature and based on rumors, guesses and fabricated data 

"There are data provided by Russian experts and there are data that the United States and Ukraine have not exposed, which still raises questions," Dmitry Peskov added.