Russian Hmeymin airbase in Syria

Hmeymim airbase is a Russian airbase near Latakia, Syria. While the air base shares some airfield facilities with Bassel Al-Assad International Airport, it is only accessible to Russian personnel

Russia's mot powerful and efficient aircraft are deployed on Hmeymim airbase: Su-24, Su-25, Su-30CM, helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24. The state-of-the-art Su-35C, a 4+++ generation fighter jet, is expected to arrive at the airbase soon

The new infrastructure was erected "from scratch".Air-conditioned accommodations were built within a few months in 2015 for about 1,000 people.

Other new structures include an air traffic control tower, runway extensions,storage facilities, field kitchens, and refuelling stations. Supplies are flown in from Russiaor shipped via Tartus harbour 50 km (31 mi) away

The base can handle Antonov An-124 and Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft and can accommodatemore than 50 military aircraft including Su-24s, Su-25s, and Su-34s

In addition, the base is home to T-90 tanks, BTR-82 vehicles, artillery, with Mi-24 gunships and Mi-8 support helicopters

After the November 24 shootdown of a Su-24, a S-400 defensive missile system will be installed, allowing Russia to control the air space from Southern Turkey to Northern Israel

The airbase is secured by a Russian tactical marines unit

On September 30, Russia launched airstrikes against ISIL militants in Syria. The Russian military is providing aerial support for ground operations conducted by the Syrian army.

The combat unit of the Russian Aerospace Forces includes over 50 aircraft and helicopters

Space surveillance equipment and UAVs are used