Refugee crisis in Europe far from being over

The refugee crisis in Europe is far from being over. Even though the media attention is primarily focused on the events in Syria, tens of thousands of refugees continue their struggle for life in European countries 

Since January 2015, over 550,000 refugees have arrived in Europe. Many of those who trye to reach Greece and Italy by sea drown in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. As many as 3,000 people have drowned, including women and children, but the real number can be much higher 

Refugees mostly arrive from Syria and Afghanistan, from North Africa, Pakistan, Kosovo, Ukraine, Serbia, Iraq, and about 20 other countries.

Refugees continue coming to Europe, and their number may reach one million people

In Germany, many protest against the policy of Angela Merkel, who does not take any measures to stop the influx of homeless people from coming to Germany.

During the coming weeks, the EU may deport nearly 500 thousand illigal migrants, who did not receive the refugee status. 


In the event some countries refuse to accept the refugees back, Brussels will recall its humanitarian aid, freeze commercial deals and visa agreements with those countries. 

Many refugees want to try to reach Germany. By the end of the year, Germany may take up to 1.5 million refugees 

German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to open doors to refugees from Syria. One may only guess what consequences this may entail 

The migrants clash not only with police, but with local residents too 

Meanwhile, the authorities of the European Union have approved another 400 million euros to tackle the problem of the refugee crisis