Beauty of foggy mornings

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters

Polish photographer Marcin Sobas specializes in landscape photography. He takes beautiful pictures of rolling farmlands, foggy mornings in the mountains and by lakes. In his every photo, light and conditions are main characters