Russia's Black Sea Fleet marks its birthday

Russia's Black Sea Fleet appeared on May 13, 1783, when 11 vessles of the Azov flotilla entered the Akhtiarskaya Bay (south-west of the Crimean Peninsula). It is considered to have been founded by Prince Potemkin on May 13, 1783, together with its principal base, the city of Sevastopol.

All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

Russia struggled for a long time against its main rival in the region, the Ottoman Empire, with the Ottoman Navy being its main opponent in the Black Sea. All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

he Black Sea Fleet defeated the Turks in 1790, and fought the Ottomans during World War I, the Romanians during World War II, and Georgia during the 2008 South Ossetia war All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

In the 2014 Crimean crisis Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Navy were evicted from their bases and Ukraine subsequently withdrew its forces from Crimea.[46] Fifty-four out of sixty-seven ships of the Ukrainian Navy have been transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, with St. Andrew flags raised on them All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

Russia's Black Sea Fleet appeared on May 13, 1783, when 11 vessles of the Azov flotilla entered the Akhtiarskaya Bay (south-west of the Crimean Peninsula) All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

Russia employed part of the fleet during the 2008 Georgian conflict. Russian units operating off Georgia's separatist Abkhazia region resulted in a reported skirmish with the Georgian Navy unconfirmed by Georgia All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

Russia plans to integrate several vessels from the Ukrainian Navy into the Black Sea Fleet. According to sources from Black Sea Fleet Headquarters, inspections of all ships had been done by the end of 2014 All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

 All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

State Duma Vice Speaker Sergei Zheleznyak said that the Black Sea Fleet would recieve more than 50 vessels beofre 2020.

All photos by: Vadim Savitsky

Six new submarines are to be delivered before 2016 All photos by: Vadim Savitsky


As a result of the reunification with the Crimea, Russia has challenged those who considered themselves to be the masters of the Mediterraneans and the Black seas, as Russia has re-established control over both

All photos by: Vadim Savitsky