Giant Brazilian Amazon dwarfs men for money

Six foot eight-inch giant Amazon Cinthia escaped poverty by dwarfing men for money. The 200lb bombshell - real name Ana Lucia Barbosa - earns thousands by dominating, squashing and wrestling willing clients. All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Real name Ana Lucia Barbosa, the 6ft 8in South American earns thousands by dominating, squashing and wrestling willing clients.



All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Cinthia, who weighs just over 14st (200lb), is also flown around the world for one-to-one sessions and showered with gifts from admirers.


All photos: Splash/All Over Press

"Some men like certain things that other women don't do or aren't brave enough to do - I am brave and do it," she said.

 All photos: Splash/All Over Press

"There's no shortage of willing clients happy to pay me to sit on them, wrestle them, pick them up and generally boss them around," she says

All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Growing up in rural Brazil Cinthia was tormented for her height and never felt comfortable in her own skin.


All photos: Splash/All Over Press