Gigantic orchids made of glass

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press

Jason Gamrath is a rising glass artist from Seattle. Jason's work is collected internationally and is available for custom design. At age 17, Jason was accepted as a student of Randy Walker and went on to study at Pilchuck. He has worked and trained with many renowned artists, including Preston Singletary, Karen Willenbrink, Richard Royal, Ross Richmond, and Sally Prasch All photos: Splash/All Over Press