Kelly Brook shows her zebra bikini

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure

All photos: Splash/All Over Press Kelly Brook is seen on February 3, 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. One of the world's sexiest women was enjoying the sun and the ocean with boyfriend David McIntosh on a trip filled with business and pleasure