Madonna's candid photos to be auctioned

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press

In 1977, a University of Michigan dance student Madonna Louise Ciccone, aged 18, posed nude at $10 an hour for photographer Herman Kulkens. The sensational images are among the haul left behind by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione who died of cancer aged 79 in October 2010. The auction will start on November 9 on Guccionecollection website All photos: Splash/All Over Press