War of predators: Jaguar vs. Caiman

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock

All photos: Splash/All Over Press In Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, a jaguar attacked and killed a caiman, emerging from the water. Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock