Hobbit boy with giant feet to receive surgery

A boy whose toes have grown so huge he can never wear shoes called Hobbit by his pals is to have a life altering up to cure his rare condition

Meng Weixin, 14, from Nongshan, in Guangxi Zhuang, southern China, was born with toes as big as his small fists.

But as they grew and grew, his poverty-stricken parents had no chance to seek medical treatment for their son

"We're an ordinary family and it breaks my heart to see him suffer but we have no money for medicine," explained  the boy's father

"I like school but it hurts to walk and I can't go quickly or join in many games. Children sometimes call me names but they don't mean to be cruel," the boy said. 

Now Weixen is facing a new life after well-wishers donated thousands of pounds for medical fees after he appeared in local media.

"We can treat the condition and when that is stable we plan to reduce the size of his feet," doctors said