Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively. All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Jennifer Aniston (photo) is not on the list
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Rooney Mara
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Angelina Jolie is not listed as one of the most desirable women in 2012 either
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Blake Lively
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Lady Gaga
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Singer Rihanna
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Kim Kardashian
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Scarlett Johansson
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Emma Stone
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Nicki Minaj
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Miranda Kerr
Sofia Vergara has been named the most desirable woman of 2012, in a poll conducted by men’s online magazine The ‘Modern Family’ star jumped two spots from last year’s poll. The 39-year-old brunette bombshell beat out Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton, ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara and Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda Kerr, who held the number 2, 3, and 4 spots, respectively.
All photos: Splash/All Over Press
Photo: Kate Upton