The launch of Russia's Voyevoda ICBM

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru

Voyevoda is the heaviest and most efficient of all intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world. The missile is capable of carrying ten warheads, 550 kilotons each. The range capability of the missile is 11,000 km. NATO's reporting name for this missile is SS-18 Satan All photos by Vadim Savitsky, Pravda.Ru