Florida’s voting machines are glitched again

Florida never had voting machine problems until two things came about.
Jeb Bush, George Bush’s brother, became governor and George Bush ran for president. 

First, it was the hanging chads that resulted from the mechanical machines in 2000, now the electronic touch screen machines are simply dropping votes in the pre-rollout testing. The touch screen electronic voting machines do not keep a hard copy of how a person votes only a number count.  Nor to the machines keep an internal log that can be double checked against the results. 

Computer programmers say touch screen machines are vulnerable to software glitches, hackers, power outages and other problems.  Having been a programmer, this reporter also knows how easily it is to manipulate the software that will be counting the votes.  Just as electronic slot machines can be programmed never to pay out, voting machines can be programmed to provide a clear victory in an election. 

Jeb Bush is confident the touch screen voting machines will do their job. 

Would anyone stoop that low so as to sway an election?  Caveat Emptor is my answer.  

This writer predicts, George Bush will win in Florida by an overwhelming majority vote. Then again, why have an election if the results are already known?

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova