George Person: Russia has no business in Iraq RESPONSE

True, the Russian soldiers have no business in Iraq - for quite literally they are not in Iraq...there's no Russian presence in Iraq... 
Business is the process of generating a suitable profit from the expenses incurred in the business venture commensurate with the risk involved in the activity...
The profit from the transaction is Russia's entrance into the WTO and getting Russian oil firms firmly embedded into the Iraqi oil infrastructure...the expense, if they send troops soon, is helping propel Pres. Bush in the polls, yet...while reaping a non-weeping Western dividend when Russia needs to take care of business in Chechnya...assuming Pres. Bush is re-elected...
Thus, Pres. Putin will probably want to wait to play with the winners before commiting any troops to Iraq...thus, President Bush is going to have to shoot it out with the Democrats and win the presidency before Pres. Putin shoots it out with Iraqi terrorists, as the risk for piping in the rewards from business involvement in Iraq's reconstruction and the huge contracts being handed out...
Will Russia's public opinion keep them out of Iraq?!  If it did, then it surely would be a good sign that Democracy was alive and well in Russia. Yet, oil is very big's the power of nations and the reason why the USA went into Iraq after the first go around with Kuwait...Does Russia, really want to play on the sidelines during this lucrative moment of political transition in Iraq?! 
I think if good profit is there, Russia will go in...if it's marginal, then they'll think Iraq is a hell hole, not worthy of the cost in human life in dealing with die-hard terrorists...
Russia isn't going to risk lives for brownie points...there's got to be a real reward, bringing huge wealth into Russia....if Russia can do it without the cost of human life, then they'll by-pass sending troops to Iraq...they've got oil pipelines heading into Germany...there may be enough wealth from that venue alone, to keep Russia on the sidelines in Iraq....
Yet, generating as much employment as possible for Russian citizens helps build the wealth and prosperity of a nation....and southern Russia has high unemployment...some people may feel Iraq is worth the risk since being unemployed is a form of living death anyways...not having a paycheck in this world is a living hell really, we have six of one and a half a dozen for another... 
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova