Bin Laden, 9/11, and President Bush - has the smoking gun been found?

The question still remains, did President Bush, know in advance that 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing.
Did he use 9/11 as a pretext for the US war on Iraq. 
A 1998 CIA document warned then President Clinton, of possible hijackings of airliners by the Al Qaeda.  The report and other notes from the “SECRET” classified daily briefings held with the president are schedule to be declassified. The declassification is in preparation for presentation of the documents to the bipartisan commission investigating government failures related to the 2001 hijacked plane attacks, in which 3,000 people died.  

A brief recap – in 2001, terrorists hijacked four American airplanes.  Two crashed into the World Trade Center towers, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one crash into the ground.  

Also under investigation is the possible link between Al Qaeda and Iran. The US problems with Iran go back to the US backing of the Shaw of Iran, whose secret police were notorious for their brutality.  Iran also has issues with the US backing of Iraq during the 8 year war between Iraq and Iran – during the war, Iraq used lethal gas against the front line troops of Iran. 

The bipartisan commission is trying to determine if President Bush knew before hand that the attacks were coming.  There are strong indicators that Bush did know the attacks were coming, and had been made aware of the contents of the 1998 CIA Report that had been delivered to President Clinton. 

If the bipartisan commission does rule that Bush knew the attacks were coming, this would be the second time a US president had been warned of an impending disastrous attack and did nothing to stop it.  Prime Minister Churchill of England had warned President Franklin Roosevelt, six months prior, that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor in December, 1941.    

I will report more as news develops. 

Michael Berglin

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova