George Person: AIDS in Russia RESPONSE

Well this is just another form of malice...going out to deliberately blame evil scientists for a problem which is entirely rooted in the lifestyles which people's a form of denial which doesn't attempt to modify personal behavior which is leading to the AIDS can't screw like rabbits anymore...there's just too many diseases out there....
So, for the record, there are only two kinds of men in this world - as far as Christianity is concerned, and probably Jews , and Muslims would agree with this in their purest, strictest forms...that a man becomes a Priest or lives like a Priest before he  marries...and the same applies to women also...we live in a pagan world, dominated by pagan is not a sexual free-for-all...we really need to find our mates and begin having our families....before we grow too old, and we lose the vigor and the rigor of those vibrant early years of our's far more important to begin developing family values, while you still have the health and strength to do so...
When it comes to the flu...always wash your hands during flu season...and if you shake hands with somebody who is coughing like he belongs in a tuberculosis ward , then make sure you wash your hands before eating or rubbing your eyes...also, keep your weight down, eat well, and don't smoke...a little bit of smoke can really compromise your lungs during flu season...also, stay away from refined sugar has a crappy impact on your immune system when the office is coughing and wheezing away...
The world just loves to swallow anti-biotic when they get a sniffle - so now we have superbugs out there ready to invade our bodies - just be a total health nut when the flu is invading your world and you'll come out like a champ - being overweight, and a smoker and a drinker...will make you a prime target for the flu....
When it comes to AIDS in Russia, the best thing the Russia can do is force everybody to take a blood test...and those who have AIDS will have to pledge not to have sex anymore.....if they continue, they will need to be quarantined...we can't have them spreading the disease ...with the intent to murder...some people really lose their minds and become vengeful under these circumstances...and go out to deliberately infect people by having unprotected sex...well Russia, you've got my blessing to round up the aids cases and put them into a special zone...where they can be separated from the opportunity to do anyone else potential harm...
AIDS in Russia is like AIDS in America it's mostly a lifestyle issue...when people begin to modify their behaviors then we might succeed in getting rid of this disease...
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova