George Person: President Bush is a fierce Christian warrior of God

I suppose the one key ingredient you've entirely ignored in your letter is 9-11... the defining's when push comes to's protecting the American people and Western civilization...when you go out your door this morning, look at your neighbor, look at his children, look at your own, look at your wife and look at everything imagine within a flash, a suitcase nuke goes off in the center of your city!
Your wife is severally burned, your child is screaming with burns...a city which is a victim of Middle-Eastern nuclear terrorism is leveled at its a result the US stock market crashes and the entire nation is plunged into massive unemployment...a recipe for total chaos...causing a massive ripple effect on the entire world market...a total global market crash...this would be a sign WWIII is not far away!
Jesus never said not to defend yourself...the early martyrs of Rome initially took your point of view being a complete lamb for destruction, but the early Roman church felt it was okay to run away and try to protect yourself from destruction...when too many early Christians were dying needlessly, when they could've increased their chances of survival.
The Knight's of Malta, 1000 Roman Catholic warrior priests, were up against 40,000 Turks and dealt one of the greatest military defeats to the infidel...Did they turn the other cheek?! I don't think so. Were they Anti-Christs because they defended Christianity instead of being immolated by a ruthless enemy?! No....
During WWII, as the tanks were being shipped out of New York, to the Russians and the Americans on the Western front, Roman Catholic Priests blessed these tanks, so the soldiers who used them, would survive a fierce and savage battle and come home alive and victorious.
Weapons of mass destruction now, can be concealed in your hands. ...If N. Korea can spend all their time and resources making nukes , what does that mean for Iraq?!
Also, it just the mere thought exists, a phantom fear, a rumor of rumor of rumor, that terrorists based in Afghanistan and/or Iraq want to destroy a US city with a nuke - this alone justifies a full military presence in the Middle-East....
Even President Putin came out and said publicly, this was Saddam's intentions after launch terrorist attacks against the USA...
If Christ were on the Earth today, there would be people calling him an anti-Christ...assuming Christ came in a disguised form challenging peoples ability to perceive His Son of God nature...
There are Christians who believe the Pope is an Anti-Christ...
If President Bush were truly an Anti-Christ, the Pope wouldn't have anything to do with him...President Bush is a fierce Christian warrior of God who will not let down the American people, when protecting the USA which is a nation under God.....and will invoke His Most Holiness in protecting the men women and children of the United States....and will gladly take the battle to where the terrorists hide, as they plot the destruction of the great nation of freedom on Earth.....
I will concede though, the President who launches the first nuclear missiles and destroys the world - setting the world on fire....will have hell to pay....pray for good leadership, and pray terrorists don't act as a catalyst to world destruction.....for if a city like Washington, DC ever gets hit by a suitcase nuke....the terrorist nations of the world will experience a day of fireworks they will never forget......
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova