George Person: Metaphorical days of Thomas Jefferson for Iraq

After all this time , we have finally lured a shadow into the light... 
Idealistically the world should be a loose confederation of nations minding their own business as well as doing good business among the world's community...
The problem with leadership in this world is they love to meddle with the moment and not take into account the long term consequences of their actions - they just don't have enough imagination to think this far  ahead...and they end up causing more political harm than good...I think this is as good a time as any to allow people to find the kind of nation they would like to live in without the meddling of spy agencies trying to pry into internal affairs...just as long as  countries are decent, truthful , and law abiding...and run by honorable men and women...who you can reason with, without the litany of the you've done me wrong mantra of the past...
The war between Iraq and Iran...was ghastly...with the use of chemical weapons...
Usually when a schoolyard fight begins, its the one who throws the first punch goes to the Principal's office to be disciplined -that the way its been for a very long time....
Do you really think it's the work of Jews as the Kurds march for justice?! Or is it really their dignity as men and women who finally see the opportunity  to get justice for the people they loved who were murdered by chemical weaponry?! I think we are underestimating the spirit and character of the people of Iraq when they want to see Saddam punished for killing their family members. Killing is a horribly mean thing to do to another human being...Who on the day of Judgment can be found guiltless for murdering an innocent human being?!
Why would anybody want to submit the dynamic potential of their own personality and intellect to the personality of cult of Saddam Hussein?!
What Iraq needs to do is see the opportunity in what many see as a crisis - the rare opportunity within the history of mankind to build a new nation! These are the metaphorical days of Thomas Jefferson for Iraq - see where you can run with it.
This is no time to be moaning, groaning, and droning as a Johny one note - how all my problems are caused by Americans, Jews, and everybody else who doesn't see eye to eye with me...
The men who are running Iraq right now think in their heart of hearts that President Bush is an alright guy - an honorable man doing the Iraqi people right - Iraq can have their country... We gave Kuwait back...What's the big deal?! 
Iraq's oil belongs to Iraq...all hell would break loose otherwise, if the USA even entertained the idea of stealing another countries wealth...
Putting Saddam back into power is way too doesn't make sense, since the common man of Iraq stands ready for a renaissance of ideas which will elevate his life as a man as he embraces a new dawn in Iraq, where people can breath a little freer....
Letting all the political points of view debate on TV without killing each other, and you have a new society which allows the full weight of its citizens to participate in the everyday life...showing the world we have diversity in Iraq, but we are unified in our commitment to provide a peaceful democratic nation to help a culture of antiquity rise to a new era of Muslim enlightenment...
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George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova