I enjoy reading Pravda.Ru precisely for the alternate view on the news it provides, and its insights into the Russian culture. But sadly, as this piece shows, you are no different from the mainstream US press: anti-Bush and unfairly twisted to the left. The half-truths and outright lies in the piece would have readers believe that the US has thrown the First Amendment of their constitution out the window and that we Americans don't know exactly what's going on, if not in military decisions in Iraq, than at least within our own government.
To begin with, Havlasa attributes the Berg execution to the British and American media. Remember, this is a film that was broadcast on an Islamic site, probably from a Middle Eastern nation. Surely, since Havlasa thinks the media should do a better job of letting US citizens what's "really" going on, he can't fault them for reporting on the piece. The film has not been shown in entirety on any television station. A radio station broadcast the sounds of the video and their DJ's were disciplined.
Your own confusion about the beliefs of the entire world about WMD before the Iraq war mirror that of our own media. Yes, Bush was misled, but so was the UN, former President Clinton, and our democratically elected Congress, which passed President Clinton's bill to authorize force in Iraq in 1998. We all know that Saddam did use weapons of mass destruction in 1991 after the first Gulf War, against his own people.
Havlasa says a lawsuit has been filed against Bush alleging conspiracy with the 9/11 killings? So what? Do you know how easy it is to file a lawsuit in this country? Burglars sue homeowners when they are injured during a burglary. Parents sue McDonalds when their kids are overweight, blaming the restaurant for selling food to the family. Just because a lawsuit is filed, doesn't mean the plaintiff is right. And it's not major news, either. Although I agree with Havlasa that I'd rather hear about those lawsuits than Mr. Jackson.
However, talk about a "Bush conspiracy" in 9/11 has been pretty rampant since the 9/11 hearings the Clinton. So it's not a topic ignored in the media here, or around dinner tables. We conservatives are pretty sick of hearing it, actually, since it's obvious nonsense.
I don't know that Mr. Bush's calling our presence in Iraq an "occupation" is that surprising. I don't think anyone in the US is deluded enough to think that we are not considered the occupying power there. We are concerned that our government do right by the Iraqi people by assisting in rebuilding and by getting out on time. It is discussed all the time here, especially by the many who oppose the war. I would agree with you that the exit strategy needs to be more clear and should have been better thought out. But what evidence do you have that our leaders expect to stay in Iraq past June 30, the date power is to be handed to the Iraqis?
As for Michael Moore's movie, saying Fahrenheit 9/11 is being blocked from distribution in the US is ludicrous. We are expecting Michael's movie to come out soon, the media are fetting him already like he's the King of France, and there have been no plans to keep it from being distributed. If there were, his many fans would storm the gate of the White House or whatever the residence of the censor was and that would be that.
What has happened is that the Disney company's Miramax Films dropped off as the distributor of the movie in a corporate decision. I suppose you could argue they are bowing to political pressure, but Moore will have no difficulty finding another distribution company. This is no different from the experience of Mel Gibson, whose "The Passion" (hardly an anti-Bush film) was dropped by a major studio due to its controversial nature. Mel had to scramble to get a new distributor, but the film came out on time.
You see, when Americans know something can be seen, they will see it. Even when someone in the government doesn't want them too. Havlasa mentions the pictures of flag-draped coffins which a government employee took as if we never saw them. To the contrary, before it was learned there was a plan to censor them they were shown in a West Coast newspaper. It's been shown day and night, on CNN, on local news stations, in the papers, on the net.
And it isn't true at all that we aren't aware of the tremendous price our neighbors, sons and daughters are paying in Iraq, or that we don't assume the worst when it comes to the numbers who have been killed and injured, both ours and Iraqi citizens. It is heartbreaking to all of us, even if we support the war. Many people have protested loudly here against the war from the beginning, and they have been given ample time in the media to tell us that the price of life is not worth it.
Finally, Havlasa wonders why Bush hasn't turned abusive soldiers over to the International Court? Fortunately, our congress voted to keep us out of that monstrosity. We rather prefer our own courts and courts martial, not believing our rights as US citizens would be upheld at the Hague.
I hope this letter has assured you that, regardless of the effectiveness of our President, the American public are not being kept away from anything you mention in the letter. You are just another voice in the chorus of leftists on network TV, cable, and the newspapers.
Kelly N.
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