Henry Roberts: Please don'r judge all Americans by usurper Bush

He stole our election.  Long decided to "finish Daddy's war" for whatever excuse, and no matter the cost, he is dooming our nation to be a shamefull international lout.  His hard ass "war on terror" no matter the cost is finally bearing fruit.  George Bush has stolen our  liberty and centralized more power, while at the same time abandoning the entire myth of America where "everybody is equal".  I was trained as an interrogator, and they taught us many methods that would never hold up in our own jails, police stations or interrogation rooms.  A murderer and multiple child rapist would be set free, and all evidence provided by any information obtained by the "officially approved by G.W.B." detainee guidlines.  I am disgusted by the UnProfessional behavior of our troops at Abu Graib, and am shamed to have been in the military myself.  I
am very happy that this event has been exposed.  The American people are very moral people.  These inhuman degradations appall most of us and we cry for public justice.  Many feel the new Iraqi government should have the chance to try these criminals themselves.  

I leave you, my Russian friends, by saying that in our Democracy you may steal one election, but I and everyone I can drag to the Polls, will vote against the Usurper come November.

Henry Roberts
Long Beach CA
United States of America

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova