Patricia O'Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel, congratulates the UNO in public because, in her words, she sees the rule of law becoming more and more relevant for the Organization with every passing day. Does she really believe that, and over whose eyes is she pulling the wool?
The office which Patricia O'Brien heads, and has led since 2008, is called the Office of Legal Affairs, where some two hundred staff oversee the implementation of unified legal services in dealing with issues of international law, to quote from the UNO itself: "for example, advice on law applicable to treaties, war, peacekeeping, oceans and criminal justice".
When we take a look at the world around us, the remarks of Patricia O'Brien are as astonishing as they appear either totally naïve or else serve as a sinister cover for the real work done behind the scenes. Let us be honest: a United Nations Organization does not exist. What does exist is an excellent umbrella for humanitarian intervention, healthcare, welfare and protection of cultural heritage and behind that, something darker.
UN Women, UNICEF, UNESCO; UNHCR to name just a few organizations within this umbrella, perform some excellent work in protecting women's rights, children's rights, refugees and in classifying world cultural heritage, including disappearing languages. Let there be no mistake as to their tremendous importance and very valuable interventions which positively affect the lives of millions of people around the globe.
But what is behind this umbrella? A UN Building, tellingly in New York, where the Security Council has increasingly been used as a tool of manipulation for the lobbies which control the policies of NATO in general and the FUKUS Axis in particular (France-UK-US). Parallel to this, Russia, China and a handful of countries try to uphold international law.
Where was international law, however, when the UN Security Council was disregarded totally as the USA, UK, Spain and a handful of Washington's poodle states in Europe and the Middle east illegally attacked Iraq after lies were told in the UN building and after consent to launch the attack was not given? Under the UNO's own laws, the go-ahead had to come from a separate resolution from the Security Council. The law is perfectly clear and simple to interpret, that is why it was written and worded as it was.
Where was the UNO, and where was Patricia O'Brien when the UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) in Libya were stretched to breaking point, then breached in a spectacular mission creep, as the FUKUS Axis and their minions, such as Norway, wasted billions of dollars of taxpayers' money strafing civilians or soldiers in Libya - soldiers fighting al-Qaeda terrorists brought in by NATO?
Where was the UNO when the FUKUS Axis made false promises to Russia and China, saying that they would fill in the details later but the attack had to be launched immediately (to snatch the victory from Gaddafi's Armed Forces)?
Where was the UNO and where was Patricia O'Brien as the same FUKUS Axis, these days buoyed by a muscle-flexing France nostalgic of her Napoleonic past, supported and continue to support thousands of terrorists in Syria, including the recent contingent of some 769 Albanians given military training in NATO member Turkey? Where is the UNO and where is Patricia O'Brien as Messrs. Cameron, William Hague, Obama and Hollande continue to express their support for the Syrian "opposition" which has recently been caught slicing the heads off Kurdish children?
If Ms. O'Brien so wishes, I can provide a list of atrocities committed by the Syrian "opposition" for her to investigate and ask the illustrious FUKUS Axis leaders mentioned above why they continue to support such elements. On the other hand, if this is the best the UNO can do with 200 staff over all these years, I can honestly say that I would do a better job myself with a hand-picked staff of five persons for a fraction of the salary they receive.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
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