Ukrainian Parliament Denies Russian Peace-keepers Transit Via Ukraine

Having allowed US aviation to use its air space, the Ukrainian parliament nevertheless denied Russian peace-keepers railway transit via Ukraine's territory. The Ukrainian parliament explained it by saying that Russia's payment obligations were not clearly formulated in the draft law. The parliamentarians also decided that the draft law lacked a point banning the unloading of military hardware, equipment and ammunition in Ukrainian territory. Such scrupulousness would have been understandable, had Ukraine itself carefully implemented its financial obligations and settled debts on time. However, Ukraine's carelessness in this connection is no secret. After the draft law is accomplished, it will come under consideration on November 15. By November 30, echelons of Russian military equipment and paratroopers returning from Kosovo after having been replaced by land forces, are to travel by railway from the border station Chop Zakarpatsky across Ukrainian territory to the eastern Ukrainian-Russian border. All transport expences for the transit will be covered by the Russian side.

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