Moscow prepares military response to deployment of US long-range missiles in Germany

Moscow: US raises global escalation by deploying long-range missiles in Germany

Moscow will respond militarily to the deployment of US long-range missiles in Germany, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.

Russia's reaction to the deployment of US long-range missiles in Germany will be professionally calm, the diplomat stressed. The Russian Defence Ministry has already taken this threat into account, he added.

"Without nerves, without emotions, we will develop, a military response to this new threat in the first place," Ryabkov said.

Ryabkov ruled out another Cold War scenario, in which NATO's double decision to deploy missiles led to negotiations on their destruction. This time the situation is completely different, the Deputy Foreign Minister added.

US plans to deploy missiles in Germany in 2026

The United States intends to begin deploying long-range weapons in Germany in 2026. Thus, Washington is going to demonstrate to European countries its commitment to NATO, Reuters reports.

It goes about such weapons as the SM-6, Tomahawk systems and hypersonic weapons that still remain under development," the agency said.

It was also reported that that the above-mentioned types of missiles have a greater range than the missiles that Berlin already has at its disposal.

Moscow was right when "a few years ago Russia announced that the United States was preparing to adapt those systems for their ground deployment,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also said. Washington then denied everything, hoping to deceive its opponents, he added.

Russia accuses US of stirring up missile arms race

Washington's plans to deploy long-range missiles in Germany in 2026 will lead to uncontrollable escalation, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said.

Russia has repeatedly called for joint efforts to "reduce the trust deficit” in the field of missile weapons. The diplomat emphasized that the United States was doing exactly the opposite.

It is worthy of not that Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier said that Russia had the right to respond in a mirror way to the deployment of American missiles. It does not matter for Moscow where the weapons are going to be deployed, he said.

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America's Secret Stealthy Missile
Author`s name Petr Ermilin
Editor Dmitry Sudakov