CIA to continue spying on Americans

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan claimed that the US would not be able to prevent terror attacks without the Patriot Act.

Brennan also warned that the attacks may surge in case the Act is not extended.

"Because if you look at the horrific terrorist attacks and violence being perpetrated around the globe, we need to keep our country safe, and our oceans are not keeping us safe the way they did century ago," Brennan said.

Thus, it occurs the US cannot protect its citizens, but spying on them.

Brennan also noted that terror networks like ISIL are following the developments very carefully and they are "looking for the seams to operate."

"The tools that the government has used over the last dozen year to keep this country safe are integral to making sure were able to stop terrorist attacks," he said.

The US Patriot Act allowed the NSA to collect any telephone and business records relevant to a counterterrorism investigation.

The Act has expired on June, 1, as the Presidential candidate Rand Paul blocked its extension.

Also read: Patriot Act used for struggle against common Americans


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