Taiwanese Officials Do Not Like Animal Sex

Taiwanese Ministry for Education asked a prestigious university to delete several links from its website. The links described sexual relations between humans and animals.

The Taiwanese Central National University posted several links on its website. This decision was approved by the Sexuality Research Center. The action was harshly condemned by state officials, and the scandal was exposed to the public eye. As it turned out, links contained texts, pictures and even instructions that taught people how to have sex with animals.

The press secretary of the Taiwanese Ministry for Education stated that such publications were not allowed at institutes even under the pretext of studies. However, the director of the Sexuality Research Center Josephine Ho has another opinion on the matter. She claimed that those links were published for educational purposes only, since "animals and humans have similar sexual wishes, so they were supposed to be discussed together, in an open way."

In addition to that, the director added that explicit texts and photographs did not belong either to the center or to the university. She said that they offered their students only links, as supplementary material. Nevertheless, ministerial officials went really indignant about that. According to their statement, they will hold a special session on April 17th in order to prohibit publishing such links on any webpages of any high schools. As officials said, it was not the first time, when the Sexuality Research Center found itself in a scandal. Last year, the education minister of Taiwan warned the center for its discussions of cybersex.

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