Men have always had problems with their body part of pleasure. They have always been ready for anything to make it work properly. Historians say that the issue of impotence wans man's men’s biggest problem even in the middle ages. The Church assumed that this problem was caused by women, since it was generally believed that women had a direct connection with the devil. The Church launched its horrific inquisition in order to get rid of witches and improve male potency.
As history showed, many innocent people suffered from this quest. The present era is celebrated with a wonder-pill: Viagra. Its a good pill; its only flaw is its high price. So, what did men have to do in the pre-Viagra era?
There was a large body of doctors and chemists in Ancient Rome. They all worked on the problem of male weakness. One ancient poet left the following description of an ancient “treatment.” Here it is: “A doctor took a leather penis, dipped it in an oil-like mixture of pounded pepper and nettle seeds, and then she slowly started putting the leather penis into my anus. Then, she smeared that mixture on my thighs, grabbed a bunch of fresh nettle, and started whipping me with it. I was burnt both inside and outside; I could not stand it, so I jumped up and ran away.”
Ancient Greeks invented a nice word “afrodiziak,” which is still widely used. This word is translated as “love pleasure.” Afrodiziaks are substances that have an increasing affect on sexual attraction. They were basically the substances of animal and vegetative origins. Greek men used to eat tons of olives and stewed barley. It was believed that such a combination was making a man insatiable and inexhaustible in bed. Kama Sutra recommended the dish of rice, sparrow eggs, stewed onion, and honey. The Koreans use the meat of venomous snakes; the Japanese eat oysters; the Egyptians, garlic; and the Chinese, ginseng. Sea food is rather popular nowadays as well. The French, for example, spend their honey moons eating oysters, shrimps, crabs, and salmon.
Sometimes, the aspiration to improve the man power brings a lot of damage to nature. The pursuit after the miracle drug that was made of tiger’s genitals resulted in the considerable reduction of their livestock. A dish of tiger penis soup is served in most expensive restaurants of the world. The cost of such a dish is $600-700. However, no one can give you a guarantee that you will become a superman.
In the 19th century it was believed that impotence was basically caused with masturbation. Doctors’ ideas were totally insane sometimes. There was a practice, when doctors tried to transplant young genitals on the place on the old ones.
Nowadays, practically all doctors agree that the roots of impotence are in the psychology of a man. Stresses, various phobias make a lot of men experience sad debacles.
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