"An all-round mopping-up operation" is being conducted to find Kenneth Gluck

A large-scale operation to find U.S. citizen Kenneth Gluck, abducted in Chechnya last week, is being carried out in the villages of Stariye Atagi, Noviye Atagi, and Chiri-Yurt located 20 kilometers south of Grozny. The three villages have been blockaded inside a single circle, the Chechen administration said. The operation is in its third day. In the first two days, virtually all people, including personnel of various organizations and agencies of the republican level, were banned from leaving these villages. Certain reports indicate that several dozen people have already been detained over the past two days. However, no information is available at the moment whether these people are in any way related to Gluck's abduction, Interfax reports. "An all-round mopping-up operation" was started in these three villages on Tuesday, the administration said.

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