Australia: Armed Forces Likely to Join the War

The US has made no secret of its desire to have the Australians on board

With conflict in Iraq appearing more likely, the US is set to seek involvement of at least two key Australian military capabilities. They are the Special Air Service regiment and RAAF air-to-air refuelling aircraft, which have both operated effectively within the US-dominated coalition against terror. Both have also won high praise from the US military.With the war on terror slowing in Afghanistan, both theoretically would be available for another campaign.

Australian commanders have been cautious not to comment on a possible Iraq involvement. The official government line is that no invitation has been received from the US, and if and when it arrives it will be considered on merits.

But the US has made no secret of its desire to have the Australians on board. Major General John Vines, the US commander of coalition forces at the main US base at Bagram, Afghanistan, said Australian special forces had skills and capabilities US forces did not possess and they would be most useful in any conflict in Iraq.

Henry Marconi PRAVDA.Ru Sydney

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