Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday criticized Turkey for supporting the insurgents fighting the government in Damascus and sees that his neighbor has the ambitious dream of establishing "a new Ottoman Empire." Moreover, the Syrian president spoke of Qatar and claimed that this Arab country is using terrorists.
In an interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, the full text will be published on Friday, Ankara regretted that instead of worrying about "the interests of their people" Al-Asad focused "solely on their ambitions, including the creation of a new Ottoman Empire. "
The Ottoman Empire, also known as the Turkish Ottoman Empire was a multiethnic and multi-ruled by the Osmanli Dynasty.
Moreover, the Syrian president spoke of Qatar and claimed that this Arab country is using "the power of money and revolves in the Western orbit by providing weapons and money to terrorists to repeat the Libyan scenario."
In this regard, he said that Qatar has been one of the premier governments in fueling the violence in Syria.
Finally, the Syrian authorities said that Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which have supported the insurgents in his country "would not win the battle."
Since mid-March 2011, Syria lives with strong disturbances and bloodshed, orchestrated from abroad, a critical situation that worsens every day due to the incessant terrorist acts seeking foreign military intervention.
Ed. As is well known, Turkish history is one of tremendous bloodshed, the Turks being a nomadic tribe that murdered the original inhabitants of the land that now comprises the artifically created entity known as Turkey. Turkey has been a useful vessel through which the various western powers have exerted their will in the region.
It is also worthy to note that many Zionists as well would like to see the re-establishment of the Ottoman Emire, as they considered they were welcomed and treated well in their dealings with the Ottomans when expelled from Spain.
Translated from the Spanish version by:
Lisa Karpova
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