Was space conquest an avatar of the mind control?

A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind.


                                                                                       Henry David Thoreau

By Nicolas Bonnal

"2001: A Space Odyssey" may have been the most famous and commented film of science-fiction, yet it is too the most ridiculous. His technical agenda has been humiliated by the time, like the whole dreams of this modern deceiving world. In 2001 we haven't landed on Jupiter or in one of its satellites. In 2012 we are not travelling anywhere; we are not even travelling anymore. The space conquest must be taken for what it is: a mere illusion or a deceit; and a space control. If you read and watch some classics of sci-fi, you'll be surprised by the folly of this literature and filmography. The futurology was a science for lunatics and pedants.

I acknowledge there was some fantasy or greed in that stuff but there was mainly ideology, American ideology of course in all of these films, books, epics, breathless episodes. So, ask the question: what was that stuff about?

There never was space conquest, and there never will. It is basically impossible, physically impossible. So, why the politics, the media, the scientists and the always naïve audience, satisfied when it is deceived, edified that metaphysical junk?

I think that it is - like many religions, this is why many sci-fi writers turned gurus - for the mind-control. Basically, space conquest starts in cinemas with Fritz Lang (Father of any sci-fi subject, see the Three Lights, or Metropolis, to understand whatsoever about an Illuminati run society) Woman on the moon, then of course Nazi killer scientists, von Braun, and the ridiculous secret weapons stuff which sterilized German research during the war. Intelligence officers intervened then, navy and air force (air forces are controlled by witches, aren't they?) officers, sex-addicts disciples of Crowley, founders of sects and Dianetics, and of course western propaganda masters. Read any biography of a sci-fi writer not the mention Heinlein, Hubbard, or K.Dick, the smartest of all. Space culture prepared us too to the videogames addiction and to the world of the screens.

The obsession improved in the sixties thanks to the cold war and it served both interests of Soviet Union and America. Of course, America sold more propaganda stuff to the audiences: that's her job to America: sell candies, arms and signs.

When the conquest was gone, we had American surpluses left, like every time. Signs.

This is no conspiracy theory stuff, just a statement: there is no space conquest; there is just mind control contest. And man, not horse, is the best conquest of the man! We enjoy so much being deceived and controlled!

May be you think I'm exaggerating? Well, just watch a movie... What is a cosmonaut's life? Watch 2001, Solaris, not star wars, star wars is just a training school for videogames!

-       A cosmonaut spends his life, a space-less life, in front of screens. The screens give him some space and deep, and this is good, since he lives like Japanese (like everyone now, for at 10 or 20 thousand dollars a squared meter in Paris, Rio, Moscow or London...). But the cosmonaut is always confronted to a technical problem and has to read any table of contents. He completely depends on technology, machines, networks, computers in order to subsist. Well, he is a modern man.

-       He is a big consumer of energy, doesn't feel his body, and he may be condemned to obesity, like fat adult-babies in Wall-E. Just watch the crowds in an American shopping centre to understand the point. The shopping malls are often designed like space stations; it is normal given that their mission is to retain us in their matrix in order to spend and consume. The adult-baby absorbs continually fries, candies or sweets. In 2001, a bureaucrat traveller swallows and sucks his food. In our brave new world, we are prepared to welcome two billion fat people with no forks or teeth...

-       The cosmonaut has to respect rules, agendas, table of contents redacted by skilful lawyers and technicians. Every detail of his daily life is painful: think of the toilet's episode in 2001; yet it is not the worst.

-       Culturally, the balance is worse. A cosmonaut, this very most-modern Americanized man, is rootless. He has no country, no wife, and no family. He becomes sexless, like a baby (good vision in Wall-E). There are only devices, bases, stations, ships, hubs, airports, tubes, wires and vessels. In space nobody hears you scream or pray! In this zombie-like environment, the cosmonaut is thus prepared to lose the notion of time and space. He becomes cool, travels in the astral world, he has visions (2001), and he has fake or forged souvenirs... Aren't we fed with junk food, sleeping tablets and benzodiazepines too? In beautiful and forgotten Silent running, directed by Douglas Trumbull in 1970 (we were not dreaming yet), astronaut Bruce Dern laments his plastic venom food. This movie is ecological and this is an important trait of the sci-fi agenda: preparing us to the coming catastrophic era and to depopulating agenda. Some -the richest and smartest- will have to flee our waste land!

-       The cosmonaut has no time to consecrate to Greek astronomy-or mythology: he just needs entertainment in his unisex uniform: an entertainment for people devoid of space, money and nature: here comes the star wars agenda and the video game addiction. He comes back to childhood, like in Nietzsche prophecy, and spends his time playing on a little screen while around him space shrinks, thanks to real estate big business and speculation. His sexual life is obviously distorted by pornography, like our. He makes no difference between a foggy day and a dark yet enlightened night. He comes to dream of other lives, like Schwarzenegger in his best movie (Total recall) or to forge fake souvenirs (like in Blade runner): our souvenirs now come not from our divided and fading families but from media, invented characters, TV series, industrial songs, etc.

I don't want to conclude: I prefer to let people thinking of this fantastic goal: the elites prepared us for a global mind-control and a mediocre new life in the worst of possible worlds which is yet to come. Everything around us, said Marxist thinker Debord is distorted, polluted and recycled. Nature is now what we call a national park, the market is a giant shopping centre built in order to motivate our buyer instinct. Since second industrial revolution, WW1 and Nazi times, social engineers, psychiatric experts, intelligence agents and entertainment artists have driven us to such a world, whose perfect metaphor is that of the cosmonaut's life.   American (Chris Gray) and soviet (Slava Gerovitch) scientists had warned us, like in a way Tarkovski (who filmed his astronaut's transportation in Akasaka, Tokyo, instead of outer space!) and Kubrick (he dreamt of the glowing visions of 2001 and we finished with the garbage of the clockwork orange!), and of course we didn't listened to them.

I could stay optimist and tell you that I break my compromise with post-modern world and stroll in my favourite mountains! Yet my iPad and Google earth will tell me from NSA-controlled space, and in a few seconds, where my shadow is wandering. But not who is observing me.

Cosmonauts were the new pupils of the new high priests.

The pupil is never educated to the degree of consciousness, but only to the degree of trust and reverence, and a child is not made a man, but kept a child.


Nicolas Bonnal

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov