Now that Barack Obama is firmly enconsed in office, re-elected for a second term, it appears that the hounds of hell are desperately barking for some action on Syria. Frustrated by the successful efforts of the Syrian government to turn back the western backed and armed terrorists, their stooges and proxies, they have gone back to old tactics again.
You would think after having been caught out the last time they started agitating about chemical weapons before a false flag attack, they they would give up the ruse. However, here they go again, trying to put the international community in a receptive mood to the idea of attacking Syria by claiming that the Assad government, not them, is desperate enough to use chemical weapons, specifically sarin gas.
Obama made the following televised speech just days ago:
To the National Defense University on Monday, Obama warned Syrian President Bashar Assad not to use his arsenal.
"Today I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command: The world is watching," Obama said. "The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable."
Indeed, Mr. Obama et al, the world is watching. They know your games and your lies very well. They know you will stop at nothing, that no life is too precious not to be sacrificied for your interests.
More of the latest noise from Mr. Obama:
"We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation."
Red line, isn't that special. They are all barking about some red line. There is a line alright, and the FUKUS axis had better not cross it.
Another clucking head was Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, who said much in the same style as the "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" that "intelligence reports raise fears that an increasingly desperate Syrian President Bashar Assad is considering using his chemical weapons arsenal - which the U.S. and Russia agree is unacceptable."
Leave the sacred name of Russia out this, you blubbering, lying fool. He went on to say:
"I think there is no question that we remain very concerned, very concerned," Panetta said, "that, as the opposition advances, in particular in Damascus, that regime might very well consider the use of chemical weapons."
Panetta has things backwards, like all of them. The terrorist "opposition" is not making advances, even though they try. They are getting their collective behinds kicked. The Syrian Arab Army remains very strong and in good spirits.
Meanwhile, the old war hag, Hillary Clinton, was also being counted on to chime in with the latest agiprop:
"We have been trying hard to work with Russia to try to stop the bloodshed in Syria and start a political transition for a post-Assad Syrian future," Clinton told reporters in Dublin.
"Events on the ground in Syria are accelerating and we see that in many different ways," she said. "The pressure against the regime in and around Damascus seems to be increasing. We've made it very clear what our position is with respect to chemical weapons, and I think we will discuss that and many other aspects of what is needed to end the violence."
This disgusting piece of human waste has also tried to blame Russia for the continuing bloodshed while her own hands are dripping with the blood of thousands of Yugoslavian citizens, Libyans and Syrians. They are the ones providing the backing, the funding, the weapons, the communication devices and, most of all, the propaganda for the terrorists.
The hungry monster of US imperialism is not satisfied with having killed around 35,000 Syrians, a large number of them defense forces. A chemical attack would kill many. One wonders what part of hell these people that comprise the FUKUS axis and Israel come from. Surely nothing human is capable of such evil, they are purely demonic in nature.
President Assad has no reason to use chemical weapons, least of all against his own people. It has been repeatedly stated that Syria's weapons will only be sued for self defense. Why would anyone in Syria be so foolish as to deliberately bring down the full force of the FUKUS axis and NATO?
Syrian Foreign Minister, Jihad Makdissi, clearly said chemical weapons won't be used internally. Nor will they be used against other nations except in self-defense.
Anyone fair minded person can figure out for themselves that if you have two sides in a conflict, you don't just demand only one side stop fighting while you arm and encourage the other side to fight harder and dirtier. Being fair minded, Russia and China see that both sides must stop fighting and all parties need to be represented.
You don't just declare victory for one side and tell the other they cannot participate. That is not diplomacy. That is idiocy and since it has involved many deaths, it's extremely evil and criminal. The FUKUS aixs with Israel, and particularly US imperialism, are WRONG on the matter.
All nations and people must come together to oppose such dictatorial, totalitarian, fascist behavior and bring these criminals to justice. They are nothing less than war criminals who have committed grievous crimes against humanity, being responsible for millions of deaths, beginning with Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Syria.
Any use of chemical weapons will obviously have the fingerprints of terrorists, not the Syrian government, all over them. Cui bono (to whose benefit) is such an attack? It's obvious, as has been since the beginning of these fascist, imperialist wars.
Last but not least, we declare to these dogs of false flag operation is going to result in world community support for any more of your dirty, murderous, destructive wars.
Their abhorrent path of destruction is there for everyone, the entire world community, to see. Wherever the hooves of the FUKUS axis and Israel have tread, they have left hell on Earth for the people who live there.
They envision unfettered capitalism unleashed in its most viscious, savage form. They want Syria to go the way of Iraq and Libya. Only profits, plunder and global domination, not people, not even innocent children, matter to any of them, despite the hypocritical, sanctimonious pronouncements.
Lisa Karpova
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