Hostages saved, terrorists dead, theatre cleaned of mines

The hostage rescue operation is over, a crisis HQ spokesman said to journalists.

President Vladimir Putin has been informed about the completion of the rescue operation, says Alexei Gromov, his press secretary.

Movsar Barayev, terrorist chieftain, and a greater part of his force are dead. Experts are clearing the Theatre Centre of mines. A majority of hostages are free.

Crack Federal Security Service forces have the premises in control, survivors are being removed.

A majority of mines have been defused, says our HQ informant.

An official representative of the headquarters for the liberation of hostages specified that during the operation 32 militants were killed.

"There are no victims among special task forces," he told.

The operation to liberate hostasges began at about 5.30, Moscow time and lasted for 40 minutes.

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