The climate on planet Earth is changing rapidly. Scientists are united and only debating the likely causes of the rapid transformation without denying the fact of the climate change. Much has been written on this topic, and the leaders of major countries keep gathering for special summits, but with no results. What is happening to the climate, who is to blame and what needs to be done?
Ban Ki-Moon (head of the UN) invited world leaders to a summit in New York in 2014 where the issue of climate change in relation to the development of the economies of the countries with low greenhouse gas emissions will be discussed.
Ban Ki-moon made this statement at the 68th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, addressing the representatives of 193 countries. Presumably, the summit will be held during the next session of the General Assembly. The summit regarding climate issues will be convened on the eve of the signing of a global agreement on climate change scheduled for 2015.
Summits and conferences yield virtually no results, and the situation has not improved. During the United Nations Conference "Rio+20" held in June of last year, representatives from various countries came to the conclusion that people have not learned to live in harmony with the planet and stated that our planet was on the brink of a disaster.
Geo-5 report (Global Environment Outlook) prepared by 600 experts stated the failure of the "sustainable development" plan initiated 20 years ago. Global warming has not been contained. Over 20 years the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has reached the highest level in 850,000 years, and it is making the planet warmer. The oceans are becoming more acidic and warm. Many species are disappearing at a tremendous rate. Deforestation leads to damage, and against this background the damage from the financial crisis seems negligible. The changes in nature are unprecedented in the history of mankind. All efforts to reduce them or slow down the pace of change have proven ineffective.
The world community seems to have long understood the threat from the climate change due to pollution of the atmosphere. Even the World Bank that used to be indifferent to anything other than money began showng concern, calling for "turning down the heat."
Countries thought to have developed an effective tool of reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere - the Kyoto Protocol. The Protocol was signed in 1997. It was the first and only one in the history of mankind international environmental document that obligated the countries that have signed and ratified it to legally comply with it. The purpose of the Kyoto Protocol is to force countries to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases. However, this document did not work.
Emissions trading was originally conceived as a tool to make emissions more expensive, thereby creating incentives for investment in "green" technology. But the market mechanism has led to a completely opposite effect. As a result of the global financial crisis, the market was swamped with these quotas, and the cost of 1 ton of carbon dioxide decreased to 4 euros (originally 30 euros). The reduction of the cost of emissions has led to the fact that the production of energy at plants using coal proved to be more profitable than at the plants using gas. As a result in Germany alone in 2012 the production of electricity from coal increased by 23 percent. In addition, production at cleaner gas plants dropped by 16 percent. Quotas continue to depreciate rapidly, making the Kyoto mechanism absurd.
The second major reason for the ineffectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol is the act that it was signed by only Japan and European countries. The U.S. with its significant emissions signed the protocol but is in no hurry to ratify it.
According to the U.S. State Department's special envoy Harlan Watson, if the United States was to sign the Kyoto protocol, it would cause great economic damage to the country. According to him, in case of signing this protocol, the U.S. would lose the investments in the power equipment. In addition, the level of consumer prices in the United States would go up. The U.S. government does not like this development as the country does not have enough investment. Watson did not deny that the United States emits the largest amount of greenhouse gases - 22 percent of the global total.
Some experts believe that the signing of the Kyoto Protocol by the EU was a cunning plan of the United States to slow down the industrial development of the European countries. After signing the protocol, some were forced to shut down production, and the levels of the industry have decreased. It may also be one of the probable causes of the financial crisis and a long recession in the EU.
The Kyoto Protocol is now followed only by the European Union. This document is becoming discriminatory against the countries that have voluntarily taken upon themselves the responsibility to reduce emissions. The policy of double standards in terms of the environmental protection has come to a dead-end.
In December of 2012 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, environmentalists pointed out that carbon dioxide emissions in the world have increased by 2.5 percent over the year. It is becoming apparent that the magnitude of the consequences of climate change does not compare to that provided by the Kyoto Protocol.
HAARP antenna complexes constructed by the U.S. in Alaska may have a huge impact on the upper layer of the atmosphere and change the weather in the regions of the planet required for the interests of the Americans. The activities of these systems are strictly classified, but there is evidence of involvement of the climate weapons in the rise of floods, rainstorms, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes.
Analysts believe that the sharp increase in the intensity and frequency of disasters, as well as their appearance in atypical regions, to be the evidence of such systems. However, these American developments may be disastrous for the entire planet. The entire economy and politics of the United States is built to receive instant results and extract quick profits. Typical for the Americans disregard for the consequences could destroy all life on Earth.
The barbaric attitude of the U.S. authorities towards nature is well known. The CIA is already experimenting with irradiation of the ocean water and investing in the so-called geo-engineering that uses high-precision techniques for climate change. Some experts argue that such experiences can be very dangerous.
Wars unleashed by the U.S. can be regarded as ecological crime. Explosions that turn cities into ruins bring extra emissions, encouraging climate change.
Mental handicap of some U.S. officials and oligarchs does not allow them to realize that there are no individual means of protection against natural disasters. Containers with supplies of food and water, in principle, can only prolong the agony.
The United States that is boasting its power has extended coastline, and therefore is a high-risk area. The United States is more affected by climate issues than, for example, continental Russia. Think about the recent flooding in Louisiana, Colorado, last year's drought, continuous forest fires in California, and frequent and powerful tornadoes. Climate boomerang launched by the U.S. only accelerates the collapse of the giant that kills people and nature.
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