The German-based Weltbev о lkerung (the World Population) fund calculated that the population of planet Earth has reached the number of 6.89 billion people and continues growing. Three more humans appear on earth every second, which makes the increase of 80 million people a year. If humanity continues to grow, a demographic explosion may occur by 2050.
If it happens, humans will start killing each other for food and water. Pictures of gloomy future as pictured in Hollywood blockbuster films will become a reality. The world economy will collapse before that. Afterwards, the human population will gradually become extinct. This problem has already become extremely serious because some countries do not know what to do with the overpopulation problem, whereas others think of ways to increase the birth rate.
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For example, the population of the Russian Federation amounts to 141.9 million people as of May 1, 2010, which marked a decrease of 41.7 people a year. People die of diseases, alcoholism, car accidents and as a result of crimes. The young generation of Russians do not hurry to have children because of low living standards, infertility problems and new standards of life, which make it very difficult for a young family to maintain a child. State-run programs conducted to increase the birth rate in the country do not bring any results.
In Oriental countries the situation is much more serious: each new baby is a token of danger. A Chinese family, for example, is legally not allowed to have more than one child. If a family has a second child, they will have to pay taxes for that. India struggles against the problem of overpopulation with the use of tougher measures. Indian families are either sterilized or made injections of hormones which develop infertility.
If the planet's population continues to grow, the developed countries will have a very unpleasant experience of hunger already in 30 years, scientists say. People will start to populate more and more territories destroying fields and forests for the sake of super cities.
It is also worthy of note than the human activities pollute the environment. Pure drinking water will become luxury. Machines will never be able to replace natural resources. Climate will continue changing too as man builds electric power stations and many other systems that guarantee comfortable existence. Fertile lands will turn into deserts.
Hundreds of thousands of people die as a result of natural disasters every year. It looks like the planet wants to get rid of humans with the help of tsunamis, volcano eruptions, earthquakes floods and fires.
Viktoria Lapko
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