Why not call a spade a spade? Why such a childish reluctance among most political commentators to tell it like it is that neither "mercenaries" nor 'international terrorism' was responsible for the dastardly and murderous attack on school girls and boys, and their parents and teachers, in Southern Russia. What united those cruel and cowardly terrorists was that THEY WERE ALL FELLOW MUSLIMS, and for that reason came to one another's aid. Why can't we, or daren't we, say this? It is so absolutely clear, whether in Beslan, or in the horrifying and ongoing genocidal murder of the South Sudanese - many of them Christian - or at the terrifying attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, that it is Muslims who are behind these massacres and responsible for them.
When we look to the Philippines and the massacres suffered there by the poor Philippine , we see that the perpetrators are Muslims. When we look to the massacres in Bali, or Kenya, on the Metro in Madrid which cost 200 Spaniards their lives - again, those responsible for these beastly deed were all Muslims. Not mercenaries, not international terrorists - but Muslims. Not even just extremist Muslims - just Muslims. Until we are prepared to say it in this brutally honest way - there will never be reform in thought, philosophy or practice of what Islam has sanctified from its very inception: war and the sword, which it unashamedly calls "holy war".
Unless there is repentance and a total foreswearing of the sanctification of this gory terrorism and jihad in the name of Allah, (as, today, multitudes of Christians who have foresworn and repented of the bloodshed of their crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust and other black pages in Church history) - we need to speak out this message loudly and clearly:
That unless ISLAM and ISLAMIC scholars condemn, not only in words but in forceful resolutions, the use of terror and killing as a means to force the nations of the world to submit to the will of Islam, there will be no accommodation with such an ideology. It is them that have to change, not those of us who tell them what we see - ugly terror in the name of ISLAMIC brotherhood designed to bring the whole world into submission to Allah.
Now if some people would object - and sadly there are many such nitwits - that this terror has nothing to do with the ISLAMIC religion as such, but only with some extremist elements in ISLAM, and furthermore that ISLAM itself is a peaceful and tolerant religion, I think we need to be absolutely clear and straight about it - also if we want any chance to win this huge, all encompassing fight. I think we all owe it to the countless men, women and children already brutally and mercilessly massacred, (and this in the name of the, repeatedly called, all merciful Allah) all over the world. So, let us ask some questions here:
Wasn't Yasir Arafat, after all his terrorism, considered a moderate by the stupid, self-deceived western world, when in OSLO he was awarded the Nobel prize of peace? Wasn't the same argument used then that is used today, that he, albeit a Muslim and a master and initiator of terror, was not so much the problem, but that it was his even more dangerous fellows, the Hammas and Hizbollah - "the extremists"!
Wasn't Saddam Hussein, a Muslim who called himself "the most faithful servant of Allah", considered a moderate, so that in the beginning, seen through these rosy spectacles by the West, he received weapons from France (the nuclear reactor!) and even the United States, because the real fanatics then were seen as belonging to camp of Khomeini and Iran? A Khomeini, who at his beginning was described by President Carter as 'a holy man,' and by his spokesmen in the United Nations, Andrew Young, as "a saint," before the eyes of at least some honest people were opened to see that he was more of a devil.
The Chechen Muslim rebels, are they moderate? What about the Bosnian Muslims? Who are the Muslim moderates? Arafat, Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gadaffi, the Saudi government, which has been funding and supporting much Muslim terror all over the world, also because of the strong Wahabi influence in Saudi Arabia? Fifteen of the 19 suicide terrorists involved in the 11 September were Saudi Muslims.
Now, I do believe, that by stating these realities we actually bring this terrifying problem of ISLAMIC terror one step nearer to its solution, because we are willing to put ISLAM on the defensive, so that it knows that its game is up; if they want our acceptance, then Muslims, and not our opinion about them, have to change. And they have to change drastically in order to win our shocked and deeply wounded confidence.
We owe it to the immense suffering just experienced by the Russian children, mothers, fathers and teachers. We owe it to the multitude of others - the Sudanese, Philippines, and Spaniards; the Americans who threw themselves, in pure agony, out of the skyscrapers rather than be burnt alive; we owe it to all those sitting in planes or quietly eating their pizzas in Israeli restaurants; we owe it to those who, from now on, have to live as semi-invalids, crushed and in deep sorrow because they never again will be able - except by divine miracle - to enjoy life with their crippled bodies.
If, therefore, there are Muslims and Muslim leaders who still wish to insist that they are peace-loving and tolerant, and absolutely against these Muslim-perpetrated acts of hate-filled genocide and massacre, then they have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate this today, by forming a united, Muslim military force from these moderate Muslim countries, and stop the genocide of South Sudanese Christians by the Muslim Sudanese government. Then they can prove to the world that, indeed, there are Muslim nations that are willing to fight against Muslim terror and genocide. Let us wait and see how many, truly moderate, peace-loving, Muslim leaders will come forward for this.
Finally, one would truly hope that, after this terrifying experience of terror which especially these Russian children had to go through, Russia will heed the voice of the international community and no longer play with fire by giving Iran, the very sponsor of such terrorism, the nuclear help and know-how to make its much desired ISLAMIC nuclear bomb, thus threatening the whole region, not just with terror as Iran already does today, but also with genocide; all in the name of its blend of ISLAM.
Let not Russia think for a moment after this massacre that it can play both sides with impunity. It will have to choose - either it is for terror or against it. Russia cannot have it both ways.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center
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