Barack Obama, the new Abraham Lincoln?

Continued. Read part I of the article here

So now we come to the rule of Lincoln himself.

I apologize, dear reader, if it took so long to get here, but one must understand what the party of Lincoln, the Republican party stood for and who manned the military and surrounded Lincoln.

Americans as a whole love the tired and worn out myth of loving their freedom, their constitution and their rights and being willing to die for them. Nothing could be further from the truth, well at least in the North.

In the 1850s, as the Republican Party came to power, they and their Whig allies, in order to help their Marxist oligarchs and financial backers, while building the Imperial Federal government, placed heavy export duties on American goods. At that point, most of those goods came out of the South. Thus it came to pass that 30% of the American population was paying for 70% of the Federal budget. The government was growing quickly, making an onerous yoke upon the people. However, the German/English stock of the North seemed to enjoy this, while the Scots Irish of the South chaffed. As such, at this point, with the election of Abraham Lincoln, a dedicated Red, the Southern states, in their individual assemblies voted overwhelmingly to secede, as was their right at the time under the US Constitution.

Lincoln and the Republicans would have none of that. The problem was, much of the North was against any kind of war and while choosing not to leave the Union, actively supported the South's rights. To that end, Lincoln suspended the right of Habeas Corpus and without charges, began the mass arrests of his enemies and critics. With Republicans and Whigs the majority of Congress, his edicts were rubber stamped, little different from those of another despot in the 1930s and 1940s, Adolph Hitler and his Reichstag.

In total, 48,000 people were imprisoned by Lincoln, without trial, their lands confiscated, their reputations destroyed, their lives ruined, all this by the "champion" of the Constitution, as he is now called. Amongst these were prominent journalists, editors and politicians. In short, Lincoln all but wiped out the old conservative press of America. He further forbade the post service from delivering any newspaper or magazine that dared to criticize him.

Military police would storm through doors in the middle of the night, arresting Lincoln's opponents with out warrant or charges. Military prisons were quickly filled up. Congressman Vallandigham from Ohio, who had made speeches defending the Constitution, had his own door busted down at 0230hrs on 3 May 1863. He was first imprisoned and tried by a military commission and than deported from the US. That is correct, a Congressman from the US Congress. It is rather interesting that in his last speech before his arrest, he stated that for those who supported Lincoln: Defeat, debt, taxation [and] sepulchers - these are your trophies. He further denounce King Lincoln.

You see, General Burnside had declared that there was a full suspension of the freedom of speech and assembly in the military district of Ohio.

Did the American public rise up? In majority no, though there were protests and draft riots, to which Lincoln answered with rank fire from his infantry divisions, mowing down protestors. Yet to all this, the country of 1860s did not rise up in rage.

When the state senate of Maryland voted to stay in the Union but not to condemn the Confederacy for leaving, Lincoln had half the senate arrested. They were soon joined by the mayor of Baltimore. This is the same Lincoln who at Gettysburg proclaimed: "A government of the People, by the People, for the People."

It is rather ironic that, the grandson of Frances Scott Key, Frances Key Howard, editor of a newspaper critical of Lincoln, was imprisoned at the very same prison as his grandfather had been by the British: Ft. McHenry, Baltimore.

Lincoln's audacity went so far as to even issue an arrest warrant for the 83 year old Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger Taney, who ruled that several of Lincoln's commands and orders were anti-constitutional. His arrest was never carried out, though, as the political whip lash may have been to great even for Lincoln to bare.

Lincoln, of course, as any good despot, had many willing sociopaths to go along with his plans. Amongst these were Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton, the Civil War governor of Indiana and a founding Republican. During the war he set up a secret police to monitor any pro-Confederacy sentiment and crush all opposition to Lincoln's decrees. The police were run under Henry B. Carrington, a Brigadier General in the Union Army. Arbitrary arrests, suppression of the Bill of Rights were the norm, resulting in a state wide repression.

Thus, Lincoln was a tyrant by no small degree. Even one of Lincoln's greatest apologists, the historian Clinton Rossiter, in the "Constitutional Dictatorship" writes: "Dictatorship played a decisive role in the North's successful effortto maintain the Union by force of man was the government of the United States...Lincoln was a great dictator. The great constitutional dictator was self appointed."

Thus, it should be no surprise, that when Lincoln launched his war against the South, it was a soulless, murderous war, one that in modern day would have drawn a war trial and a hanging. While the Union generally lost its early battles, it spared little thought to the morality of raping and pillaging those areas it could actually hold. When Lincoln found his butcher Ulysses S. Grant and his mass pillager and rapist, William Sherman, blood flowed in rivers, both Union blood in head on steam roller meat grinder tactics and the blood of southern civilians massacred and burned out.

After his March to the Sea, Sherman wrote in his memoirs, Lincoln came to see him. He asked him to tell him stories about the march and laughed with full heart at those of the worst pillaging and destruction of the South. Lincoln the gentle and carrying indeed. This is the same march that saw 2,000 Southern women shipped north into slave labor in Union factories.

In light of all this, General Robert E. Lee, shortly before his death, in 1870, had this to say to the governor of Texas: "Governor (of Texas), if I had foreseen the use that those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. No sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my sword in my right hand."

Before we finish, there are a few other things that should be brought to light about Lincoln’s "great" works. For example: to pay for the war, Lincoln instituted fiat currency, which was later, after his death, removed. Yes that is directly against the constitution of America, with the 1863 National Currency Act, which also created a central bank. As a supporter of Alexander Hamilton's centralized economy, Lincoln started growing the behemoth that is the United States socialist government. Even the American term "Bombing People Back to the Stone Ages" came into use then, during the murderous siege of Vicksburg by the Union Army and Navy.

But surely, you say, Lincoln did at least one good thing: he freed the slaves. Right? Wrong.

Lincoln in his own words:

Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858:
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."

Lincoln - Letter to Horance Greeley (a Marxist) editor of the New York Tribune, 22 Aug 1862:
"My paramount objective in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I cold save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it."

Lincoln-Douglas Debates:
"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between white and black races and I have never said anything to the contrary."

Lincoln - Eulogy of Henry Clay, 1852:
"There is a moral fitness to the idea of returning to Africa her children." In other words, forced recolonization/repatriation to Africa of free and slave blacks from all over the Union.

Lincoln- To Congress 1862:
"I cannot make it any better known than it already is that I strongly favor colonization."

Even the Emancipation Proclamation was a publicity stunt since it freed no slaves in Union States, such as Maryland or New York nor in Union held territories, such as parts of Virginia, Tennessee, the barrier islands of North Carolina. It effected to free slaves, in an independent country, which was busy enough freeing its own slaves as free men in the Confederate Army. An example is that half the Confederate Artillery at Bull Run was black or that 10,000 blacks were enlisted in the Army of Tennessee as rifle carrying soldiers.

So, if President Obama truly means to become America's second Lincoln, what does America have to look forward to? Fear, oppression and dictatorship.

Stanislav Mishin

The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from the author and originally appears on his blog, Mat Rodina

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov