Tokyo would like to expand economic ties with Russia

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi, who arrived in Vladivostok today for negotiating with Deputy Russian Prime Minister Victor Khristenko, said that Japan was interested in expanding economic ties with Russia. Kawaguchi hopes to discuss bilateral economic cooperation in a broad context during these talks. Among other things, she would like to examine trade incentives and investment incentives on the part of national governments, local self-government bodies, private business and economic organizations. This was disclosed to RIA-NOVOSTI by Kawaguchi herself, before she flew over to Russia.

Japanese-Russian economic relations continue to expand against the background of economic reforms being implemented by the Russian leadership, Kawaguchi noted. However, this level is still insufficient, all the more so as we heed the potential of Japan and Russia, she added.

We would like to exert every effort for the sake of expanding Japanese-Russian economic relations, particularly those with the Russian Far East, at the current session, Kawaguchi stressed.

She also voiced hope to the effect that Japanese-Russian political dialogue will continue to expand. The possibility of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov's Japanese visit to be paid this year is now being discussed, Kawaguchi added.

Kawaguchi and Khristenko co-chair the Russian-Japanese inter-governmental commission for trade-and-economic cooperation.

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